13 Jan, 2015


Photographed in Neo Apartment Novi Sad

When it comes to that one person that you care about, all the senses get overly activated. His hand in yours, his eyes staring at yours and the sound of laughter as he chases you around his apartment. That moment when he comes closer and can smell your seductive scent all around, the feeling of safety while you lay in his arms. The emotions you feel as you are visiting his flat for the first time ever, mixture of nervousness and excitement. The intense feeling in my chest as he pulled me closer, going with his hand through my hair, and lifting me up in the air. Scent is one of those things which makes everything more memorable, that feeling in the stomach when you are around him. Those moments which are forever, are the ones where you need extra confidence and feminine touch of the right fragrance.
Every detail matters here, the choice of clothes, right hairstyle and perfume. Every love story has those first moments, full of magic and electricity. My choice is Chloé LOVE STORY, seductive, feminine, sweet note, which will linger even on his skin the following morning, when you leave the flat with only your scent reminding him of the great feelings you share together. The scent is clean and fresh with orange blossom being one of its main components, I would also say its very romantic, light and soft. Chloé LOVESTORY is available now at Debenhams and nationwide from 28th of January.
Join me on social media channels, by sharing your Love Story and tagging it #ChloeLoveStory check out their Tumblr account HERE

Kada je u pitanju ta jedna osoba do koje vam je stalo, sva cula se probude.Njegova ruka u tvojoj, njegove oci dok gledaju tvoje i zvuk smeha dok te juri po njegovom stanu. Taj trenutak kada vam se voljena osoba priblizi i osetite onaj prepoznatljivi miris oko sebe, ili koji osetite dok lezite u njegovim rukama. Leptirici u stomaku kada idete prvi put kod njega, sve izgleda novo i zanimljivo. Osecaj u grudima kada ste blizu nekoga, kada vas privuce ka sebi ili prodje rukom kroz vasu kosu. Miris je nesto sto cini stvari upecatljivim, nesto i po cemu pamtimo. Trenuci koji su zauvek, su bas oni kada vam treba vise samopouzdanja i odgovarajuci parfem.
Svaki detalj je bitan, izbor garderobe, frizura, sminka, parfem. Svaka ljubavna prica ima svoje prve trenutke, one pune magije i elektriciteta. Moj izbor je Chloé LOVE STORY, zavodljiv, zenstve parfem sa slatkom notom koji ostaje na kozi cak i sledece jutro. Miris je svez i cist sa notom pomorandzinog cveta, ja bih takodje rekla da je romantican, lagan i nimalo napadan. Chloé Love Story je trenutno dostupan u Debenhams-u, a bice i na drugim mestima od 28.januara.Pridruzite mi se na drustvenim mrezama tagujuci #ChloeLoveStory i podelite sa mnom svoju ljubavnu pricu ili pogledajte njihov Tumblr nalog OVDE







Chloe Lovestory