6 Dec, 2014

Villa on The Rocks


My Cape Town adventure is almost over but I have so much material to still post. This was one of the most amazing trips I had in my life, full of gorgeous nature, activities, great company and healthy living. As its beginning of summer there, temperature is pretty high, but still windy, hence layers can be necessary. I shot this look in our accommodation – Villa on The Rocks which overlooks Atlantic ocean and the Llandudno beach, which is nearest to the heaven on earth. Frilly dress, cashmere sweater and matching Valentino shoes and bag were what I picked for that day. I am full of impressions from South Africa, and even though I just got back from 18hour travelling, I am so happy to have had a chance to experience that part of the world, below the equator, where nature is wild, people are warm and climate is totally different. Penguins in their natural habitat, horse riding on the white sand overlooking ocean, yoga in the early morning, and sunset over the bay. Places like that always remind me to enjoy in the little things in something simple like fresh air and gorgeous view. That what makes it worth a while…

Moja avantura u Kejptaunu je skoro gotova, ali ja imam jos mnogo materijala da postavim. Ovo je bilo jedno od najneverovatnijih putvoanja u mom zivotu, prepuno novih iskustava, prirode, aktivnosti i sjajnog drustva. Posto je tamo pocetak leta, temperatura je prilicno visoka, ali je i vetrovito, zbog cega su slojevi preporucljivi. Ovo sam slikala u nasoj vili- Villa on The Rocks, koja ima pogled na Atlantski okean i Llandudno plazu, nesto najblize raju na zemlji. Leprsava haljina, kasmir dzemper i omiljene Valentino baletanke i torba su ono sto sam izabrala za taj dan. Puna sam dozivljaja iz Juzne Afrike i iako sam se tek vratila sa 18casovnog putovanja presrecna sam sto sam imala mogucnost da iskusim taj deo sveta, ispod ekvatora, gde je priroda divlja, ljudi su topli a klima totalno drugacija. Pingvini u svomprirodnom stanistu, jahanje konja na plazi sa pogledom na okean, joga u jutarnjim casovima i zalazak sunca u zalivu. Ovakva putovanja me podsete da uzivam u malim stvarima kao sto su cuda prirode, nesto poput svezeg vazduha i divnog pogleda. Zbog takvih stvari sve ostalo ima smisla…












I wore: