31 Dec, 2014

Review of 2014


Every 31st of December I sit down think about last 365 days to reflect and write down the goals for the next year. Its the time when I like to review everything that happened to me, all the goals I fulfilled, all the mistakes I made and all the amazing things that made this year. I find it very important, in order to keep growing, you have to be very aware of the past events, in order to make the most out of your future.

2014 was a year of change. A lot of stuff has happened to me, but thinking about it now, it was an incredible year, full of unexpected events, and things I could have only dreamt of. It was also a year of travel since out of 12 months I spent at least 4 months abroad and took 41 flight in next order: Amsterdam, New York, Milan, Paris, Sevilla, Serbia, Monaco, Zurich, Florence, Ibiza, Ibiza again, Naples, Capri, Barcelona, Dubrovnik, New York, Milan, Paris, Dubai, Zagreb, Paris, Paris again, Belgrade, Budapest, Novi Sad, Cape Town, Belgrade. Most of these trips were for collaborations with brands, and some of them were of course for a vacation.

January started with launch of Glam and Glitter 2.0 which was a huge project, really important to me, as I constantly think how to make this page more interesting for you. It proved that Looks section was great success, as you guys love browsing it on daily basis. Next was the collaboration with the Dutch brand SuperTrash and a trip to Amsterdam for fashion week. February was the first time I ever had a chance to attend all four international fashion weeks, including New York, London, Milan and Paris. I didn’t expect it would happen so soon, since it was one of my big goals for the season after. At that point I already have used up all of my holiday allowance in the pharmacy, and was worried thinking about other trips during the year. This kept playing on my mind, but I somehow knew that eventually all the dots will connect. Attending five different fashion weeks in 1 month opened many doors for me. I got more inspired than ever with everything I have seen and started really enjoying opportunities that came my way. I started making friends in the international blogging industry, and feel so blessed that at the end of this year, some of them I can call my best friends in the whole entire world. You know who you are!

I started playing with fashion more, specially after I got named as one of the top 20 best dressed people during the Fashion month from Metro. My outfits were published by some of the greatest press names such as: Vogue, Elle, Harpers Bazaar, Grazia, Look, OK!, Now, WhoWhatWear, NY Post and many others. I also embraced the beauty part on the blog. Soon you had a chance to read more about my favourite beauty products and that is something I intend to do even more in 2015. Maybe we should make it our thing? Blog grew insanely fast, with currently around 140 000 unique visitors reading it every single month. My social media channels also showed a great increase, as I reached my big goal in August when I got 100 000 followers on instagram. Today my main networks are Instagram 150 000, Facebook 134 000 and Twitter with over 11 000 followers. I am also working more on Lookbook, Chicisimo and want to dedicate to Pinterest as one of my 2015 resolutions.

Like I said, 2014 was the year of change, I recognised a huge potential in this business and pulled a huge plunge by quitting a job of a pharmacist to become a full time fashion blogger. This was probably the biggest decision I have ever made in life, and the best one, as besides the monetary satisfaction, I learned so many new things, founded a company, became a director and started working on a creative, better content for you guys. My team became stronger day in and out specially when Federica joined Glam&Glitter this summer and helped me immensely with her hard work during the September fashion week season.

I made many of my wishes true, by working with brands I love such as: Burberry, Kenzo, Printemps, SuperTrash, Chloe, River Island, Nike, Dior Beauty, YSL Beauty, Tom Ford Beauty, Estee Lauder, Benefit, La Mer, Marc Jacobs, Bally, Swarovski, Gasmy.it, Revolve Clothing, Tia Maria, Calvin Klein, Lei Lou by Aleksandra Dojcinovic, Alpo, Hobbs, Abercrombie&Fitch, Ted Baker and many others. For the first time ever I designed a capsule collection of sweaters for eLuxe.

On the personal matter, I grew more than ever in 2014. I felt more fulfilled that years before, I became aunt for the first time, and realised what really matters in life. I learned to take criticism much better, which resulted in inner happiness and great love towards what I do. I decided to start Monday Confessions, and show you guys that even though fashion might seem so materialistic and superficial, even people who deal with it, or people you idolise are probably going through same experiences, problems and fears that everyone else is. I will continue to talk about this in 2015, trying to make this world a better place as I firmly believe that if everyone starts from themselves, together we can do it.

I have so many plans for 2015, but I learned not to plan too much so I will call them ambitions. As promised earlier this year, I will dedicate more of my time to filming YouTube videos, I will continue working ONLY with brands I truly love, I will travel more than ever and make sure to bring you best possible content from every destination. I want to visit some places I have never visited before and keep improving in every single way by investing in my knowledge and education in this profession.

I would like to wish you fabulous year ahead, full of unpredictable love, amazing events, happiness, health and inner peace. Be ambitious and follow your heart, make at least one dream come true and stay so amazing, as I could never wish for better readers than you guys! I love you with all of my heart and hope to meet as many of you as possible in the streets of this planet. I want to share the love on this special day of the year and express how much you mean to me, which is why my main goal for 2015 is to keep inspiring. Happy New Year my lovelies, lets see what the next one has for us. Below you can find some of my favourite moments of 2014!


Svakog 31.12 sednem i razmislim dobro o poslednjih 365 dana kako bih napravila recenziju i zapisala ciljeve za sledecu godinu. To je vreme kada volim da procenim sve sto sam prozivela, ciljeve koje sam ispunila i greske koja sam napravila kako bih ucila iz njih. Mislim da je ovo veoma bitno jer mi pomaze da rastem i da budem svesna svega iz svoje proslosti kako bih gradila bolju buducnost.

2014.je bila godina promena za mene. Mnogo toga mi se desilo, ali sada kada razmisljam o tome, bila je to neverovatna godina, puna neocekivanih dogadjaja i stvari o kojima sam do tada mogla samo sanjati. To je takodje bila godina putovanja, jer sam od 12 meseci provela 4 putujuci. Uhvatila sam 41 let i posetila sledece destinacije: Amsterdam, Njujork, Milano, Pariz, Sevilju, Novi Sad, Monako, Cirih, Firencu, Ibicu, opet Ibicu, Napulj, Kapri, Barselonu, Dubrovnik, Njujork, Milano, Pariz, Dubai, Zagreb, Pariz,opet Pariz, Beograd, Budimpestu, Novi Sad, Kejptaun, Beograd. Vecina ovih putovanja bila je poslovne prirode ali ja uvek nadjem vremena i za odmor te uzivanje u razlicitim drzavama i kulturama.

Januar je zapoceo sa sasvim novim Glam and Glitter sajtom, ovo je bio ogroman projekat, meni veoma bitan, jer uvek razmisljam kako da napravim ovu stranicu zanimljivijom i jednostavnijom za upotrebu. Looks sekcija je postala ogroman uspeh jer vidim da svakodnevno na njoj provodite sate trazeci inspiraciju za svoje odevne kombinacije. Posle toga usledila je saradnja za Holandskim brendom SuperTrash i putovanjem u Amsterdam na nedelju mode. Februar je bio veoma uspesan mesec i tada sam po prvi put ikada posetila sve cetiri internacionalne nedelje mode, ukljucujuci Njujorsku, Londonsku, Milansku i Parisku. Nisam ocekivala da ce se to desiti tako brzo, jer mi je ovo bio cilj tek za sezonu posle te. Tada sam vec potrosila sve slobodne dane, te pravo na vise godisnjeg odmora posto sam i dalje radila u apoteci. Bojala sam se da necu imati vremena za druge prilike koje bi mi se mogle ukazati. Ovo mi se igralo na pameti mesecima, ali sam znala da ce se na kraju sve kockice sklopiti. Posto sam vec pocetkom godine posetila 5 nedelja mode ovo mi je otvorilo mnoga vrata. Dobila sam ogromnu inspiraciju i polet, te iskoristila sve sto sam videla i naucila za prilike koje su mi se kasnije ukazale. Upoznala sam mnogo ljudi i sada sam presrecna sto neke od njih mogu nazvati svojim najboljim prijateljima. Vi znate ko ste!

Pocela sam da se igram sa modom, pogotovo nakon sto sam proglasena jednom od najbolje obucenih ljudi koji su pohadjali internacionalne nedelje mode. Moje odevne kombinacije osvanule su na publikacijama poput: Vogue, Elle, Harpers Bazaar, Grazia, Look, OK!, Now, WhoWhatWear, NY Post i mnogih drugih. Sve vise i vise posvecivala sam se i beauty delu na blogu, jos rano na prolece ste mogli citati o mojim omiljenim kozmetickim proizvodima sve cesce i cesce, a od toga cu napraviti redovnu rubriku u 2015. Blog je rastao nenormalnom brzinom dostizuci 140 000 unikatnih posetilaca svakog meseca. Moje drustvene mreze su takodje rasle a u avgustu sam ostvarila jos jedan cilj-100 000 pratioca na Instagram-u. Sada na glavnim kanalima imam- 150 000 pratioca na Instagram-u, 134 000 na Facebook-u, 11 000 na Twitter-u, a trudim se da vise radim i na Lookbook-u, Chicisimo-u te cu se posvetiti Pinterest-u sledece godine.

Kao sto sam rekla 2014 je bila godina promena. Primetila sam ogroman potencijal u ovom poslu i napravila veliki skok u nepoznato tako sto sam dala otkaz na poslu farmaceuta i postala full time modni bloger u julu ove godine. Ovo je verovatno najveca odluka koju sam ikada donela u zivotu i najbolje, jer osim novcanog zadovoljstva naucila sam mnoge nove stvari, osnovala kompaniju, postala direktor i pocela raditi na kreativnom sadrzaju za vas. Moj tim je postajao sve jaci i jaci, pogotovo kada nam se Federica pridruzila na leto i pruzila ogromnu podrsku u toku septembarskog meseca mode.

Na privatnom planu sam narasla vise nego ijedne druge godine. Ispunjenija sam nego prethodnih godina, postala sam tetka po prvi put i shvatila sta je zaista bitno u zivotu. Naucila sam da primam kritiku sto je rezultovalo unutrasnjom srecom i povecalo ljubav ka onome cime se bavim. Odlucila sam da zapocnem ispovesti ponedeljkom i da vam pokazem da iako moda moze biti povrsna i materijalisticna, ipak ljudi koji se bave njome su od krvi i mesa, koji imaju emocije, te da mozda neki od ljudi koje favorizujete prolaze kroz iste probleme i strahove kao i vi. Nastavicu ovu seriju u 2015.pokusavajuci da svet ucinim boljim mestom, jer mislim da je to moguce kada bi svako poceo od sebe.

Imam toliko planova za 2015. godinu ali sam naucila da ne planiram previse vec to nazivam svojim ambicijama. Obecala sam vam na jesen da cu se vise posvetiti YouTube kanalu sledece godine i to ce se realizovati, nastavicu da radim ISKLJUCIVO sa brendovima koje mnogo volim i rado kupujem, putovacu na mesta koja ranije nisam posecivala i trudicu se da vam pripremim najbolji moguci sadrzaj. Zelim da se popravim u svakom pogledu, da napredujem, ucim i ulazem u svoje znanje.

Zelim da vam pozelim neverovatnu godinu, punu neocekivanih ljubavi, sjajnih dozivljaja, srece, zdravlja i unutrasnjeg mira. Budite ambiciozni, vredni i pratite svoje srce, te ostvarite bar jedan san. Zelim da uvek budete tako fenomenalni jer ja ne mogu da pozelim bolje pratioce od vas. Volim vas svim svojim srcem i nadam se da cu u 2015. upoznati sto vise vas, na ulicama planete Zemlje jer zelim da sa vama podelim ljubav i podrsku kao sto vi to delite sa mnom. Moj najveci cilj za 2015. jeste da vas inspirisem i motivisem. Srecna Nova godina dragi moji, jedva cekam da vidim sta sledeca ima spremno za nas. Ispod mozete naci fotografije nekih mojih omiljenih dogadjaja iz 2014 godine.




















































Portraits Blogueuses
































