18 Dec, 2014

Love for Burgundy


I don’t even have to tell you about my love for burgundy, I think its very obvious, since I gravitate towards this colour a lot. Recently I stumbled upon this dress in Reiss, and though its so versatile as I can wear it as a skirt (like in todays post), for more formal events, dinners around Christmas, during winter or summer, basically its one of those pieces you wear so much, and every time feels like its a new item in your wardrobe- you never get bored of it. I also got another pair of over-the-knees…I think I might have a problem!? But its just that his winter I have been going for either ankle boots, or super long and sleek ones, not sure what it is, but I feel like thats really ME right now. Burgundy and beige is the combination of todays post. I hope you like it, and hope you are enjoying these last few days of 2014. Don’t forget to set up your goals and aims for next year, you know how important that is!

Ne moram ni da vam govorim o mojoj ljubavi prema bordo boji, mislim da je veoma ocigledna posto se cesto opredelim za ove tonove. Skoro sam naletela na haljinu u Reiss butiku i ucinila mi se idealnom za mnoge prilike, najvise mi se svidja sto mogu da je nosim kao suknju (slucaj upravo u ovom postu), kao haljinu za posebne vecere, bilo leti ili zimi. Mislim da je komad koji mi nece dosaditi te cu je svaki put nositi na drugaciji nacin. Takodje je kuci samnom posao novi par cizama preko kolena…Mislim da imam problem!? Jednostavno ove zime ili se hvatam za skroz plitke, cizme do clanka ili one skroz duboke do preko kolena. Bordo i bez je kombinacija ovog posta. Nadam se da vam se dopada i da uzivate u poslednjim danima 2014.godine. Ne zaboravite da zapisete svoje ciljeve za sledecu godinu, znate koliko je to bitno!




I wore: