There is a lot of stuff I shot in Serbia, but never had a chance to show it to you. Since I know that some of these photos were just gorgeous, I really wanted to share this winter vibe on the blog today, and no I know you didn’t fall for it, and I didn’t chop my hair off, I just always loved tucking it in like this in turtle necks. Not only that it looks cute, its different but it also kind of protects your hair from flying in the wind or from getting damaged in bad weather conditions. The military green is the only military trend you should be sporting this season, say goodbye to all of those military prints, and go for the colour itself. I love these boots, and they soon became one of my favourite pairs in the collection. Have a lovely weekend lovelies :*
Ima mnogo toga sto sam slikala u toku mog boravka u Srbiji, ali nisam imala priliku da vam i pokazem. Posto sam ubedjena da su slike jako lepe, jer je moj grad svakako fotogenican, odlucila sam da ih konacno podelim sa vama. Znam da niste naseli na to da sam se osisala, ali zaista volim da uvucem kosu u dzemper ili duks, kao sto ste i mogli videti ranije. Osim sto slatko izgleda, daje svezinu vasem izgledu, takodje i stiti vasu kosu od losih uticaja ledenog vremena. Ova maslinasto zelena je ogroman hit sezone, i jedini je vojnicki trend koji biste trebali praktikovati. Zaboravite na maskirne printove i izvucite maslinaste dzempere iz neke zaboravljene fioke. Obozavam i ove cizme, jer su za kratak period postale omiljene u mojoj kolekciji. Zelim vam svima divan vikend :*
I wore: