Wow, my to do list is just about to explode, as I am packing and trying to finish all the tasks before tomorrows trip.Before I go I wanted to make sure I show you this outfit since I really enjoyed wearing it! Sequins are a huge trend for AW14 and I just couldn’t pass this skirt as soon as I saw it, it is a winter version of my other All Saints skirts and I just can’t wait to wear it with knits and warm sweaters. Since there is so much waiting for me to do, I will just send you all a big kiss and remind you to follow me on instagram (@theglamandglitter) to see all the details of my trip until the next post. Have a lovely weekend!
Wow, moja lista obaveza za danas ce uskoro eksplodirati, a posto treba jos i da se spakujem za sutrasnji put bolje da se bacim na posao. Pre nego sto odem zelela sam da vam pokazem slike ovog outfita, jer sam zaista uzivala u njemu. Sljokice i perlice su bile na svim modnim pistama – jesen zima ’14 i mislim da je to jedan od najvecih trendova. Nisam mogla odoleti ovoj suknji, jer mislim da je zimska verzija mojih drugih, All Saints ukrasenih suknjica. Jedva cekam da je nosim sa dzemperima i toplijim duksevima. Posto imam toliko toga da obavim, saljem vam ogroman poljubac i podsecam vas da pratite moj instagram (@theglamandglitter) kako bi bili u toku sa putovanjem. Zelim vam divan vikend!
I wore: