I have been crazy about over the knee boots since the beginning of autumn. Personally I think its one of the key styles for this season and we are pretty lucky as there are many around in the shops for all the price points. I picked these Steve Madden ones and have already worn them quite a bit. I am trying to use the most out of the nice weather to wear them with dresses and skirts without tights, its one of my favourite looks! Todays schedule is pretty packed, meetings in London, and then packing as I am off to Paris tomorrow again. it hasn’t even been a week yet, and its time to go back. These photos were the last ones I took on Pont Alexandre III just before I returned to London, and I love how all the colours of autumn and my outfit sync together. What has been your favourite trend this season so far? Sweaters, scarfs? Something else? And what is your favourite store with autumn clothes? Cant wait to find out!
Trend kji je dobio najvise moje paznje ove jeseni su svakako cizme koje se zavrsavaju iznad kolena. Mislim da je ovo jedan od kljucnih trendova i da imamo srece jer ih mozete naci u skoro svim buticima za bilo koji budzet. Izabrala sam ove Steve Madden cizme i vec ih nosila nekoliko puta. Pokusavam da iskoristim ovo vreme dok drasticno ne zahladni da ih nosim sa suknjama i haljinama bez carapa, jer je to jedan od mojih omiljenih tipova outfita. Danasnji raspored je prilicno lud, sastanci u Londonu, a potom vracanje kuci da se pakujem jer veoma rano sutra polazim za Pariz. Jos nije prosla ni nedelja od kako sam tamo bila zadnji put i vreme je da se vratim. Ove slike su sa cuvenog mosta Alexandre III koji je jedan od mojih omiljenih u Parizu i jako mi se dopada kako su se boje jeseni uklopile sa mojom kombinacijom. Koji je vas omiljeni trend ove sezone? Dzemperi, salevi? I u kojoj prodavnici najradije kupujete? Jedva cekam da saznam!
I wore: