As much as I love colour, from time to time I show my true passion for grey by wearing it in infinitive amounts of times and ways- this time of the year is also known as Autumn. Somehow burgundy, olive green and mustard yellow come out from dark depths of my wardrobe, where they circulate more than ever and I find my self taking the same exact pieces to wash every other day. Oh well, grey has to be on top of the list of those fast circulating colours of items as well, not just in autumn but in all seasons. Having a bag in grey and black is the best investment I can think of, all those pink, red, or blue jumpers still compliment your bag perfectly, and since its a classic piece that you will wear a lot- it needs to be made of best possible quality leather, one which you see and think about amazing craftsmanship behind it. In todays post you can see me wearing this new Angel Reinares bag which exactly describes everything I talked abut in this post- timeless classic piece made with high quality standards. I love how this look turned out, girly, playful but with a bit of edge. I am starting to think that I really love this time of the year, because even if it rains a lot and its colder, I am really enjoying the process of putting outfits together, thinking of cool new pieces and drinking spicy latte. Its so easy to find something beautiful about every single season of the year!
Koliko god ja bila veliki ljubitelj boje, s vremena na vreme pokazem moj afinitet prema sivoj boji tako sto je nosim iznova i iznova u neogranicenim kolicinama- ovo se odvija najcesce u doba godine poznatije kao jesen. Nekako se bordo, maslinasto zelena i senf zuta izmigolje iz mracnih dubina mog garderobera, skroz na vrh, pa cirkulisu jedna za drugom, sto najcesce primetim kada odecu nosim na pranje. Siva je takodje medju mojim favoritima, i to ne samo na jesen. Torba u sivoj i crnoj boji je neophodna investicija koja ce se svakako isplatiti, jer svi oni roze, crveni i plavi dzemperi i dalje odlicnu idu uz ovaj modni dodatak. Posto je to klasican komad koji cete nositi cesto treba da izaberete torbu klasicnog oblika, pravljenu od najbolje koza koju kada vidite mozete da zamislite sav rad i trud koji je ulozen u njenu izradu. U danasnjem postu nosim ovu Angel Reinares torbu koja opisuje sve o cemu sam vam pricala- bezvremenski komad napravljen po najvisim standardima. Jako mi se svidja kako je kombinacija ispala, girly i razigrano ali sa dozom ozbiljnosti. Pocinjem da mislim da mnogo volim ovo doba godine, jer iako je hladno i kisa stalno pada, obozavam da kombinujem zimske odevne komade i da pijem late sa cimetom. Veoma je jednostavno naci nesto lepo u vezi svega u zivotu, a pogotovo u vezi godisnjih doba.
I wore: