24 Hours in Paris went by really quickly, and thats always the case when you are having fun! I had such a pleasure to be invited by Printemps for a reveal of their Christmas shopping window, which was Burberry themed this year. Christmas is my favourite time of the year and I was so excited to see all the beautiful decorations and fabulous Burberry window revealed by none else but iconic Kate Moss and Cara Delevingne. I took some little video snippets and shots of the store all of which I will show you tomorrow. It was great to hang out with my blogger friends and just to get into the spirit already. While in Paris with Printemps this is what I wore, cosy autumn look which I felt looked best in Montmartre. Loving all the big, cosy scarfs which are always such a great accessory, as besides being functional they are also very stylish. Thanks so much to Printemps and Burberry for having me at this fabulous event, more about which you will find out tomorrow on the blog, so stay tuned, as it will be very Christmasy :)
24 Sata u Parizu prosla su veoma brzo, pogotovo zato sto sam se sjajno zabavljala! Imala sam veliko zadovoljstvo da sa cuvenom robnom kucom Printemps putujem povodom otvaranja njihovog prvog Bozicnog izloga koji je bio ukrasen od strane Burberry kreativnog tima. Bozic je moje omiljeno doba godine i jako sam uzbudjena da vam pokazem divne dekoracije i neverovatan Burberry izlog koji su otkrile cuvene Kate Moss i Cara Delevingne. Snimila sam neke delove i slikala dekoracije kao i razne delove atmosfere koje sam zelela sa vama da podelim, a to cete sve videti sutra. Bilo je divno druziti se sa nekim od mojih prijatelja blogera i jednostavno opustiti se u sjajnom drustvu. Ovo sam nosila u Parizu, i slikala kombinaciju na Montmartre-u. Obozavam velike tople saleve koji su uvek sjajan nacin da osvezite autfit, jer osim sto su topli takodje odlicno izgledaju. Hvala puno Printemps-u i Burberry-ju sto su me ugostili u Parizu, a vise o tome saznajte sutra, bice Bozicno raspolozenje na blogu :)
I wore: