Hello everyone from Zagreb! While you are reading this I am probably exploring the city and getting ready for tonights fashion show, but I will talk to you about that in one of the next posts.
I always talk about how accessories really make an outfit. A simple outfit like jeans and t-shirt can look very fashionable if you use the accessories in a right way, and that is exactly what my todays outfit was going for. Most of us have a pair of jeans and a stripy tee in their wardrobe, but what about right accessories? Are you the type of person that always wears the same thing around the neck/wrist, or someone who likes to change around, colours, materials, metals? So many options out there… As you know if you are reading my blog regularly I am a huge fan of Swarovski, I always was. Season in and out I have few pieces from the newest collection that I change around and pieces that always make my outfits more fresh, sparkly and unique. Remember my obsession with Slake bracelets? They are still a huge part of my accessory collection, but I am currently totally obsessed with Stardust Collection. New bracelets by Swarovski that come in many different colours and look very precious, make me wanna pack my wrist up with every shade there is in the collection.
Why did I fall in love with them? Its a tube filled with sparkly crystals that can be worn with both casual and elegant looks, after mentioning word sparkle and colour this many times in one post, do I still need to explain why?
Check out the whole collection HERE and let me know which colour is your favourite. As you can see I wore navy double wrap and dark grey single in this post, and really love how they stand out. As you can tell, the look is really casual and something I would wear to town, university, school or even travelling.
Cao dragi moji, danas vam se javljam iz Zagreba! Dok ovo citate ja verovatno istrazujem grad i spremam se za vecerasnju reviju, o cemu cu vam pricati u nekom od narednih postova.
Cesto pricam o tome kako nakit i detalji cine odevnu kombinaciju. Obicna majica i farmerice mogu izgledati odlicno na vama ako dodate prave detalje i to je upravo ono sto mozete videti u dansnjem postu. Skoro svi mi imamo farmerice i majicu na pruge u svom garderoberu, ali da li svi imamo i nakit koji ume da podigne tu kombinaciju na sledeci nivo? Da li ste vi jedni od onih ljudi koji uvek nose istu narukvicu i ogrlicu sa kojom spavaju ili ste oni koji svakodnevno smisljaju sta ide uz koji autfit i kako da iskombinujete bolje? Ima toliko opcija na trzistu, razlicite boje, materijali, metali… Kao sto znate ako pratite moj blog, veliki sam ljubitelj brenda Swarovski, cak od malena. Svake sezone imam par komada za kojima sam luda, kao sto su to bile Slake narukvice. Ovaj put njih sam zamenila novom Stardust Kolekcijom. Ove narukvice stizu u nekoliko boja i izgledaju skupoceno,a ja samo zelim da okitim svoj rucni zglob veselim bojama i sjajnim kristalcicima. Zasto sam toliko zaljubljena u njih? Nakon sto sam spomenu rec kristalcici i boje u ovom postu, sve vam je jasno!
Pogledajte celu kolekciju OVDE i obavezno mi recite koja boje sa vama najvise dopada? Kao sto vidite, ja sam kombinovala teget i crnu i jako mi se svidja kako izgledaju zajedno. Kao sto vidite ova kombinacija je opustena, nesto poput one idealne za univerzitet, skolu, pa cak i putovanje.
I wore: