Somehow blue and yellow always seem like my signature colours to combine. I just love the combination and feel that they really fit with my general complexion. In todays post you can see me wearing this simple, casual look something I wore to do few jobs yesterday in London. These Genetic jeans are by far my favourites lately, and that is because of the skinny fit which isn’t restricting and feels comfortable. This jumper from River Island was my choice as it feels so soft, and I travelled in it whole day around London, its actually a lot longer than you can see but I tucked it in, so it will wait a bit until you can see what it really is like. I dressed it all up with this leather Boda Skins jacket that is my go to item for fall. A lot of my friends tell me they aren’t used to seeing me in such casual editions, but I really missed being casual, wearing jeans and trainers during the fashion month. Simple because it feels so carefree and like I can wear more variety than just heels and dressy stuff. It used to be the same when I was a student. At the end of the university week, I would miss wearing high heels and dresses and wouldn’t be able to wait for Saturday to rock it. What about you guys? Do you have one go to uniform, or do you change around depending on the mood? Really dying to know. I wish you all a lovely weekend, mine will be a working one :)
Nekako su plava i zuta jedna od najzastupljenijih kombinacija boja na mom blogu. Jednostavno volim tu kombinaciju i mislim da odlicno ide uz boju moje kose i tena. U danasnjem postu mozete videti jednostavnu kombinaciju, nesto sto sam juce nosila kada sam po Londonu obavljala obaveze. Ove farmerice brenda Genetic su mi omiljene u poslednje vreme, jer su uske, ali udobne i nimalo me ne limitiraju kada je rec o kretanju. Dzemper je novi iz River Island-a a izabrala sam ga jer je mekan i bio je veoma prijatan za ceo dan putovanja i skitanja po gradu. Zapravo je malo duzi nego sto vidite ovde, ali sam ga drugacije obukla zbog duzine Boda Skins jakne koja je takodje moj favorit za jesen. Nekoliko prijatelja mi je reklo da nisu navikli da me vide u ovako opustenom izdanju, ali mi je zaista nedostajala opustena odeca, patike i farke u septembru.Isto je bilo i kada sam studirala, cele nedelje sam nosila lezernu odecu i jedva cekala vikend da obujem stikle i iz ormana izvadim najnoviju haljinu. Svecanija odeca mi je takodje nedostajala jer je nisam nosila u tolikoj meri. Da li vi imate uniformu ili oblacite stvari u zavisnosti od raspolozenja? Jako me zanima! Zelim vam svima divan vikend, moj ce kao i obicno biti radni :)
I wore: