16 Oct, 2014

September Favourites


As you are surely aware we are now closer to November than beginning of October, but I still couldn’t have a month without posting about my monthly favourites. Its something I love to do, and filming these videos feels like talking to you in a way that talking to my friends feels like. September was a crazy month for me, after travelling to New York, Milan and Paris I still didn’t stop but continued travelling which meant that I had a chance to try out some new stuff and experience a different way of living. Hotels were my home, and my beauty products were the ones in my wash bag which included best of the best. My foundation routine changed completely after I tried the Dior Star foundation which made my skin look healthy and I am not sure if I am 100% right but I feel that my skin is healthier even without foundation. That could be also due to the Kiehl’s Clay mask that I used when my skin was a little bit more problematic after long haul flights. I also found my new holy grail eye lines which is the Lancome Plume liner and combined it with Lancome Doll Eyes Mascara too! Tired eyes were cured with touch of my favourite eye creme by Creme De La Mer, and I could party on after all of those fashion shows without having to worry what I would look like in the morning. To correct the tired complexion Benefit helped with the Rockateur blush that made my cheeks look flushed pink, and gave me the necessary colour to the face. Social media is extremely important when you are travelling around fashion cities in September, you want to capture best moments with a great camera, and often its hard, specially as lighting differs at different shows and all I wanted was a good phone with an amazing camera. My wishes came true when I started using LG G3 phone, with some of the greatest functions ever. I didn’t know about the phone before I read the reviews online and was convoked that it will be a great friend for my travels. I was right! Its one of my absolute favourite things this whole month, best of all is I used it with my Futurocks external battery which prevented a lot of drama as this little trusty device never let my phone die…There is a lot more, and I suggest you watch the whole video to find out what other products I absolutely loved through out the month!

Kao sto sigurno znate, blize smo novembru nego pocetku oktobra, ali ja zaista nisam mogla da propustim jedan mesec bez posta o mojim favoritima. To je nesto sto jako volim da snimam, jer se tada osecam kao da pricam sa vama na nacin na koji pricam sa svojim prijateljima. Septembar je bio zaista neverovatan mesec za mene, nakon putovanja u Njujork, Milan i Pariz ni tada nisam stala sa putovanjima, sto znaci da je moje iskustvo sa proizvodima bilo drugacije nego kada sam kod kuce. Hoteli su bili moja kuca, a proizvodi koje sam ponela sa sobom morali su biti oni najbolji u svakom pogledu kako mi nista ne bi nedostajalo. Koristila sam drugacijipuder ovog meseca, jer od kako sam otkrila Dior Star puder za mene drugi ne postoji, ucinio je moju kozu mnogo sjajnijom i zdravijom, izgledala sam sveze i nekako mi je koza bolje izgledala i bez pudera.Tome je takodje pomogla i Kiehl’s maska za lice od gline, koja me je spasila nakon sto sam imala par problematicnih zona nakon dugackih letova. Takodje sam pronasla najbolji lajner ikada, brenda Lancome, zajedno sa njihovom Doll Eyes maskarom za oci. Umorne oci su bile spasene Creme De La Mer kremom sa kozu oko ociju, tako da sam isla na after partije posle revija i nisam se brinula kako cu izgledati ujutru. Da popravim boju umorne koze lica koristila sam Benefit Rockateur rumenilo koje vam daje onu pravu boju ruzicastij obraza kao kada se postidite, to mi je bilo jako simpaticno i nastavljam da koristim ovo rumenilo i u oktobru. Drustvene mreze su bile ogroman deo mog zivota u Septembru. zelite da ugrabite sve momente sa foto aparatom, ali ga nemate uvek sa sobom. Oslanjala sam se mnogo na telefon i zelela novi sa odlicnom kamerom. LG G3 telefon dosao mi je kao dar sa neba jer ima odlicne funkcije i najbolje ocene od korisnika na internetu. On mi je bio odlican saputnik i slike su bile mnogo lepse na instagramu, baterija mi je duze trajala zahvaljujuci magicnom Futurocks uredjaju koji se uvek nasao u kriznim situacijama. Tu je jos par stvari koje sam spomenula u videu zato vam predlazem da se udobno smestite i pogledate o cemu se radi pritiskom na play!





