Wow is it already October? I woke up in Paris, in our gorgeous hotel overlooking Seine. Right now I am trying to remember what its like to be home, since I started this tour pretty much one month ago. Even though its called “fashion week” it doesn’t always last 7 days, in fact London one is always 5 days only, whereas Paris Fashion Week lasts for around 9-10 days. Why is this the case? Paris is something special, there are many designers here who have a very special and long heritage, all of which are extremely important for the fashion industry. There is so much to see and do, that one week is not enough.
On the day 3 of PFW I picked this leather pencil skirt with interesting details at the back. I wore it pretty simplified as I really craved an outfit like that. Leather is always so perfect for fall, i feel like I need to re change my whole wardrobe, and on top of my wish list there are of course new leather trousers. What about you? Any wish list pieces for autumn?
6 am alarm clock didn’t make me happy, but I stole few minutes of my sleep in order to write this post and to wish you guys a happy month! Golden shoes had to be used for this look and they give perfect warmth and contrast to the mix of black and red. The outfit photos were taken inside the courtyard of the Palais Royal at the very famous Daniel Buren installation known as Les Deux Plateaux. I always wanted to shoot here and finally got the chance to. I really enjoyed this place as it has a very special energy about it. How do you like it?
Wow, zar je vec oktobar? Probudila sam se u Parizu, u predivnom hotelu i prvi pogled ujutru mi je pao na Senu, kroz prozor. Pokusavam da se setim kako je to buditi se kod kuce, posto sam pocela ovu ludu turneju pre otprilike mesec dana. Iako se zove “nedelja mode” ne traje uvek tih 7 dana, zapravo u Londonu je to bilo nepunih 5, dok Pariska nedelja mode traje najduze od svih, svega 9-10 dana. Zbog cega je to tako? Rekla bih da je moda u Parizu nesto posebno, ima toliko dizjnera i modnih kuca koje imaju posebnu tradiciju i ogroman uticaj na celu modnu industriju. Jedna nedelja nije dovoljna da vidite i obidjete bas sve.
Treci dan PFW-a odabrala sam usku koznu suknju sa interesantnim detaljem. Nosila sam je na prilicno jednostavan nacin, jer je moje raspolozenje upravo to trazilo. Koza je uvek moj omiljeni materijal za jesen, osecam se kao da moram obnoviti mnogo toga u svom garderoberu, a na samom vrhu liste zelja nalaze se i nove kozne pantalone. Da li vi imate nesto sto vam se mota po mislima sto biste voleli za jesen?
Alarm koji se oglasio u 6 ujutru me nije ni malo impresionirao, ali posto sam ukrala nekoliko minuta od sna kako bih napisala ovaj post, zelim da vam pozelim uspesan mesec! Zlatne cipele su upotpunile ovu kombinaciju dodavsi joj toplotu i kontrast crno-belim tonovima. Kao sto vidite slikala sam se unutar dvorista Palais Royala, kod cuvenog umetnickog dela Daniela Burena koje se zove Les Deux Plateaux. Oduvek sam zelela ovde da slikam autfit, ali nisam stizala. Ovo mesto ima posebnu energiju koja me je osvojila, kako se vama cini?
Photo Credit Queen of Jet Lags
I wore:
SKIRT- GLASSWORKS (old season)