With crazy every day schedule its hard to manage locations for shoots and to visit every place in Paris I wanted to see. I was trying to convince myself that actually I am not here for vacation but for work, saying that I couldn’t miss waking up early before all the other events just to shoot at Eiffel Tower. My outfit for the fourth day of PFW was a little bit different from the ones I wore in Paris so far but nevertheless colourful. Beautiful autumn sun looks incredible in these photos, and that is what I particularly love about morning shoots. These Ray Bans have been slightly forgotten in my sunglasses collection, but I think the mirrored effect is still in full swing when it comes to trends. Tomorrow will be my pyjama day, as I can’t wait to take the makeup and the heels off, cuddle up in my bed with hot chocolate and movies. Currently that is all that seems like a dream to me right now :)
Sa gustim rasporedom tesko je naci dobre lokacije za slikanje i obici sva mesta u Parizu koja bih zelela. Pokusavala sam da se ubedim da sam ovde povodom posla a ne odmora, ali ipak nisam mogla da ne uslikam jedan outfit kod Ajfelovog Tornja. Moja kombinacija za 4.dan Pariske nedelje mode je bila malo drugacija od ostalih,ali i dalje u mom stilu, zenstvena i puna boja. Prelepo jesenje sunce izgleda jos lepse na slikama, a to je jedan od razloga zasto volim rana jutarnja slikanja. Ove Ray Ban naocare su nekako ostale zaboravljene u mojoj kolekciji, ali sam srecna sto sam ih se setila jer mislim da je ovaj trend naocara u boji i dalje u punom trendovskom mahu. Sutra ce biti za mene jedan opusten dan, outfit u plau mi je pidzama i zelim da nadoknadim svo propusteno vreme kod kuce u mom krevetu, bez sminke i stikli, sa toplom cokoladom i dobrim filmom. To je trenutno za mene pravi san :)
I wore: