22 Oct, 2014

Paris with Kenzo Jeu d’Amour

Dress-Lei Lou by Alex

Portraits Blogueuses

When I was in Paris last month I met up with lovely Kenzo team for a fun shoot in which we decided to try to recreate their latest perfume campaign-Kenzo Jeu d’Amour. I have already written about it last month, but also wanted to show you the photos that resulted in this fun afternoon. We met up in a beautiful Spanish restaurant, where I had my makeup done. I was also introduced to KenzoKi products which soothed my fashion week irritated skin prior to the shoot, their knowledgeable team treated me like in a spa, and I really enjoyed the whole process of beautification, specially the quick facial massage with the moisturizer. I spoke about it before, when you don’t eat as good as you normally would, you have higher levels of stress and are constantly applying and removing makeup during the fashion month, you really have to rely on the best of best skin care. I took my favourite products home and inserted few of the photos in this post. Soothing face cream and face wash that looks like a foam must be my absolute favourites. Seduction would be the key ingredient in Kenzo Jeu d’Amour if you ask me, which is why the photoshoot was trying to reflect not only the campaign with Louise Bourgoin but also the true essence of art of seduction. Let me know what you think, and if you agree that perfume can change not only your mood, but also your day and confidence?

Kada sam bila u Parizu proslog meseca, nasla sam se sa divnim Kenzo timom povodom photoshoota, cija je svrha bila da napravimo neke slike koje ce podsecati na njihovu poslednju kampanju za parfem Kenzo Jeu d’Amour. Vec sam vam spisala o tome, ali sam zelela da vam pokazem i rezultat tog sastanka. Nasli smo se u jednom prelepom Spanskom restoranu, gde su se oni pobrinuli za moju sminku i ja sam imala priliku da isprobam nove KenzoKi proizvode, koji su utesili kozu mog lica, koja je bila iziritirana nespavanjem i nedeljom mode. Sminkeri koji su zaista pokazali veliko znanje su me ulepsali i masirali moje lice raznim hidrirajucim proizvodima.Pricala sam o tome vec ranije, kada ne spavate dovoljno, ne jedete dobro kako bi to inace radili, kada imate vise stresa nego inace morate se osloniti na najbolju mogucu negu lica. Neke od ovih proizvoda sam ponela kuci, a pena i krema koje mozete videti na slikama su mi zaista fenomenalni. Zavodljivost je jedan od glavnih sastojaka ovog parfema ukoliko mene pitate, a to se moze videti i u reklamnoj kampanji sa Louise Bourgoin, koja je pravi majstor u vestini zavodjenja. Recite mi kako vam se dopadaju slike i da li se slazete da parfemi mogu totalno da promene ne samo raspolozenje, vec i ceo dan i kolicinu samopouzdanja?

Portraits Blogueuses

Portraits Blogueuses

Portraits Blogueuses

Portraits Blogueuses




Portraits Blogueuses

Photo-Stanislas Liban