19 Oct, 2014

My Style Evolution || Monday Confession

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For the fourth blog anniversary I have picked a pretty special post for all of you. Get ready to find out a lot about me and to just read as I am opening my heart to you. As the title says I will be talking about my personal style evolution. When it comes to trends they are a little bit like relationships. Don’t pretend that you never thought “Oh was I ever really with that person? It seems so unreal!?” Thats exactly how it is with trends too. When we wore round shoes we despised the pointy ones, and when the orange,red and pink became wearable together a lot of people were in such a shock that they accused everyone of fashion crime. Looking back at photos from few years back or even worse those from high school all of us wonder “What was I thinking?”. The thing is that it actually looked pretty cool at the time! Like my dads flared trousers and my mums hairstyle from 70ies. I am pretty sure they were cool kids even though I can help it but laugh out loud looking at their photos from those days. As a huge Britney fan, I sometimes think how she feels about her all denim look from 2001. Not only do trends constantly change, but if you are in your teens or twenties you are about to go through whole identity crisis and wonder about until you find what your style really is. I was always honest about my style, it totally depends on my mood, but its feminine, and I always loved, no matter what I wear to add a luxury bag or pair of shoes, as those are the pieces I like to invest in.
Blog is somehow a digital photo album with all the dates and progress of my personal style, its incredible to see what was trendy and cool only 3 years ago, and that the same thing gives me goose bumps right now. Like wearing a matching belt and a bag, I remember being in 4th year of university when all of my friends sported Gucci bags with matching belts, some of them even ballerinas. It sounds so cringe now, but it was THE way to accessorize. Lately anything goes and there is no rule which states not to wear. Clothes became a lot loser than it used to be, colours can be mixed, light and thick materials are the thing, and floral with polka dot totally in. Like Alexander McQueen said “Its a new era in fashion- there are no rules”.

As its been 4 years since I did my first outfit post on the blog and a lot of it has happened to me in that time I decided to make a whole post dedicated to not taking myself seriously and to show you how my style has evolved. From being a student to working 9-6 in a serious company, to now being a full time fashion blogger that lives, breaths and consumes fashion in completely different proportions than ever before. I love checking out my old photos, it shows me that even though I always feel like there is no progress and that I am always the same, that I wear the same stuff it proves me that that cannot be more incorrect. In fact my style has evolved a lot even in 2 years only. I wouldn’t say changed, as my style has always been feminine, with a touch of colour and trend and that has remained the same since the beginning of the blog. My style evolved with the trends, as I learned how to mix pieces better, and I learned a lot about myself. I don’t know if its all about the years that I am in, you know 20ies are known for finding your identity, for getting to know what you love, and we all get to change looks, hair styles,eye brow shapes, people we hang out with, universities, decisions and many other things, so it might be all about the era I am in, but I suggest you relax, take a cup of coffee or tea and have a good laugh with me about how my style has changed, but also to think about your own one? What did you wear 4 years ago? Isn’t it amazing that we often thing how 1-2 years is nothing, but how much can change in that time, even if its something so superficial like the way we look? I love that and I am so happy to be able to celebrate this huge milestone with you guys. I hope you like this post, and let me know if you would like more of posts like this , as I am planning to do mini series on Mondays, where I talk to you about different person things. Really excited to hear what you think about my style evolution, and of course to hear about how you changed in the last 3-5 years.
I would also like to tag all of my fellow bloggers to do a My Style Evolution post because I think its amazing to look back at how much has changed. Also don’t forget that you can see every single look of mine from last 4 years if you click on section Looks!


Kao specijalni post povodom cetvrte godine od kako blogujem odlucila sam da vam napisem nesto drugacije. Spremite se da saznate neke nove stvari o meni i da vam otvoreno kazem sta mislim o odredjenim temama. Kao sto naslov kaze, pricacu o tome kako je evoluirao moj stil. Kada su u pitanju trendovi, rekla bih da su pomalo kao ljubavne veze. Nemojte se pretvarati da nikada niste pomislili “Zar sam zaista bio/la sa tom osobom? Cini mi se kao da se nije desilo!?”. Takvi su i trendovi. Kada smo nosili okrugle cipele, spicaste su nam bile uzasne, a kada su se narandzasta, crvena i pink kombinovale mnogi ljudi su se plasili i da pogledaju te autfite vec bi ih samo svrstali u modne zlocine. Kada vidim moje slike od nekoliko godina unazad ili mozda jos gore, one iz srednje skole cesto se zapitam “Sta sam mislila kada mi se to dopadalo?”. Zapravo u to vreme te kombinacije su, vrlo moguce, izgledale prilicno kul! Kao zvoncare mog tate i frizura moje mame iz 70ih, ne mogu da ne umrem od smeha kada gledam slike iz tog vremena, iako znam da je to tada bio vrhunac mode i trenda. Kao veliki fan Britney Spears ponekad se zapitam sta ona misli o svom total denim autfitu iz 2001. Ne samo da se trendovi menjaju vec ukoliko ste trenutno u svojim teen ili dvadesetim godinama verovatno cete prodji jos koju promenu stila dok ne otkrijete sta je to sto vam tacno lezi i to je sasvim normalno. Ja sam uvek bila skroz iskrena kada je moj stil u pitanju, on zavisi od raspolozenja, ali je to uglavnom nesto zenstveno, kombinacija koja prati trend i ima bar jednu veselu boju u sebi. Uvek sam kupovala skuplje cipele i torbe, jer je to ono u sta ja volim da ulazem.
Blog je kao neki digitalni foto album, sa datumima i svedocima o mom licnom stilu i promenama koje je prosao tokom poslednjih godina. Neverovatno mi je kada pogledm slike od pre tri godine, kada vidim sta je bio najveci trend i shvatim da mi taj isti trend sada izaziva jezu. Secam se da se u 4.godini fakulteta nosilo sve sto se slaze bas bas, te da su sve moje drugarice, bas kao i ja nosile kais koji se slaze sa torbom, cuveni Gucci logo koji se ponekad nasao ne samo na torbama i kaisevima vec i na baletankama. To sada zvuci mozda uzasno, ali je tada “najbolji” nacin kombinovanja. U ovo doba sve je dozvoljeno, odeca je sira, ne toliko kratka i uska kako se nekada nosila, boje su opustenije i nosi se sve zivo. Kao sto je Alexander McQueen rekao “Ovo je nova era u modi – ne postoje pravila”.

Posto su prosle 4 godine od kako sam izbacila svoj prvi outfit post, mnogo toga se desilo u mom zivotu i sa mojim stilom, pa sam odlucila da posvetim ceo post saleci se na svoj sopstveni racun o stvarima koje sam ranije nosila. Ipak ukoliko me pratite znate koliko samu sebe ne dozivljavam ozbiljno, pa hajde da se bacimo na to putovanje kroz vreme i pogledamo kako je moj stil evoluirao. Od stvari koje sam nosila kao student do onih kao zaposlena devojka u velikoj kompaniji, pa do konacno ovih kao fashion blogger puno radno vreme. Obozavam da gledam moje stare fotografije, jer iako se osecam da tu nema nekog napretka i da se moj stil ne menja, one mi pokazuju upravo suprotno.
Samo u poslednje dve godine moj stil je znatno napredovao. Ne bih rekla da se promenio, jer je moj stil uvek bio zenstven, sa dodirom boje i trenda, kao sto ste mogli videti i na samom pocetku, ali je jednostavno napredovao zajedno sa trendovima, jer sam ja naucila mnogo toga, kao npr kako da kombinujem materijale, boje, printove… Ne znam da li je stvar u mojim godinama, jer 20-e su vreme kada upoznajemo sami sebe, promenimo nekoliko stilova, promenimo bezbroj frizura, oblik obrva, ljude s kojima se druzimo, pa cak i fakultete i misljenja, a o nacinu odevanja da ne govorim.

Predlazem vam da se opustite, uzmete solju kafe ili caja i da se zajedno sa mnom zabavite gledajuci koliko se moj stil transformisao u poslednje 4 godine. Zar nije interesantno kako cesto mislimo da su godina-dve zaista nista u nasim zivotima, ali onda uvidimo koliko toga moze da se promeni, pocevsi od neceg povrsnog kao sto je nacin na koji izgledamo? To mi se jako dopada i srecna sam sto mogu da proslavim ovaj veliki dan sa vama. Nadam se da vam se post dopao i obavezno mi recite sta mislite o tome da zapocnem novu seriju postova ponedeljkom u kojim bih vam otkrivala svoja misljenja i neke malo licnije stvari. Sta mislite o mojoj evoluciji stila i kako ste se vi promenili u poslednjih 3-5 godina?
Takodje zelim da pozovem sve moje prijatelje blogere da napisu post na istu temu i pokazu nam svoju evoluciju, mislim da je ovo jako zabavno, a vi dragi moji ne zaboravite da sve moje kobinacije mozete videti klikom na sekciju Looks!



























