Hello everyone from super hot Dubai. As you can imagine travelling whole of the September was fun but also very exhausting which would result in me needing a break from tight schedule and high heels, even though it didn’t really happen. Whole of October I will be travelling again. Dubai came unexpectedly, and I thought since Im already here, why not make the most out of the beautiful beach and pool side to charge up my energy levels and to stop for a moment.
This first post is just a quick hello, as the focus is mainly on accessories, rather than on the outfit. I had a stroll along the private beach before the sunset and it was so magical I had to capture the moment. Of course dressing in Dubai city for me is a little bit different, because I want to be respectful to their culture, and for that reason have mainly packed maxi dresses which I wear when leaving the hotel. A big hat and dark shades are for me on top of the list for every vacation, together with some sparkly details which you can see on my wrist. With that even the simplest white look can look just as interesting as any other. What do you think?
Cao dragi moji iz vrelog Dubaija. Kao sto mozete zamisliti septembar je bio jako zabavan mesec, ali me takodje iscrpio, sto znaci da mi je pauza preko potrebna kao i odmor od nabijenog rasporeda i visokih stikli. Ceo oktobar cu opet putovati. Dubai je ispao neplaniran, ali posto sam vec ovde, zasto ne bih to iskoristila da uzivam na plazi ili pored bazena, da napunim baterije za avanture koje me ocekuju. Ovaj prvi post je samo brzinski, kako bih vam se javila, i fokus je najvise na detaljima, radije nego na samoj kombinaciji. Setala sam privatnom plazom bas pred zalazak sunca i odlucila da zauvek zabelezim taj trenutak ovim fotografijama. Oblacenje u Dubaiju je nesto sasvim drugo, posto zelim da postujem njihovu kulturu u kofer sam spakovala veliki broj dugackih haljina, koje nosim kada napustam hotel. Veliki sesir i tamne naocare su neophodne za ovakvo putovanje, zajedno sa nekim sjajnim detaljima koje mozete videti na mom zglobu. Cak i uz najobicniju skroz belu kombinaciju detalji izgledaju dobro. Sta vi mislite?
I wore: