24 Oct, 2014

Exciting BIG news


Today is a very exciting day for me, and if you keep reading you will find out why! During the busy fashion month, I was working on a secret project with eLuxe platform that approached me about making a little capsule collection for them which would consist of you favourite pieces for fall or autumn how we call it in UK. My followers know that my style is pretty girly, I love layering, and wearing cosy stuff in a feminine way, and there is always a touch of trendiness to it. Which is exactly why my collection took all of this on board. Sweatshirts are a huge trend, and I wanted to design something soft, cosy and comfortable, but something you can style up or down for any occasion, and came up with three different models. Pre-sale of my sweaters starts today, which means that you are able to shop them until 29th of October with amazing 15% off using the code PREGLAM, after that I will reveal all the looks one by one and who you how I styled them for different occasions. The first look is in the burgundy sweater with a Sweater Weather quote, just because its that time of the year when we wanna wear cute stuff, sip that cinnamon latte and looks stylish even when comfortable! Hope you will love the collection as much as I do, I designed it the way that I think anyone could wear it, even if you are a student, mum, daughter, teacher and even a boy! The sweater I wore in this post is already pretty popular with some of my male friends and I can’t blame them. Pre order your Glam&Glitter sweater HERE, to be the first one to have it, and don’t forget that prices are in Canadian Dollars, which means we totally made it amazing value for the price paid. Let me know which one is your favourite and I can’t wait to show you the full collection! Mine is in size XS/S, and as you can tell they run a bit generous in size. Enjoy

Danas je jako uzbudljiv dan za mene, a ako nastavite da citate otkricete i zasto! U toku ludnice i meseca mode radila sam na tajnom projektu sa eLuxe platformom,kada su mi predlozili interesantnu saradnju da se oprobam u dizajnerskim vodama i napravim jednu manju kolekciju za njih. Zamislili smo da to budu neki moji omiljeni komadi, nesto sto opisuje mene u jesenje doba. Moji pratioci znaju da je moj stil prilicno zenstven, volim slojevito oblacenje, udobne stvari ali sve sa dodirom poslednjih trendova. Upravo je to i tema moje kolekcije. Duksevi su postali zaista popularni na modnoj sceni u poslednjih par godina, a posto sam ja htela da kreiram nesto udobno, mekano sto izgleda lepo upravo oni su mi pali na pamet.Mozete ih nositi za dan ili noc i potrebni su nam u svim bojama. Ja sam napravila tri duksa koji danas krecu u pred-prodaju, sto znaci da ih mozete kupiti uz 15% popusta ukoliko koristite kod PREGLAM, nakon toga cu vam otkriti kako sam ih ja nosila i sa kojim stvarima kombinovala.Prvi outfit je sa bordo duksom, jer mislim da je idealan za ovaj period godine i sve sto mi je nedostajalo jeste late sa ukusom cimeta. Ko kaze da nemozemo izgledati lepo i kada nam je udobno? Nadam se da vam se kolekcija dopada koliko i meni, ja sam je napravila tako da je svako moze poneti, ukljucujuci djake, studente, ucitelje, decu, roditelje pa cak i decake, jer su neki moji drugovi vec pokazali interesovanje za njih.Narucite svoj duks OVDE, kako biste ga prvi imali, i ne zaboravite da su cene u Kanadskim Dolarima, te da smo se zaista potrudili da cene budu pristupacne za kvalitet koji dobijate.Obavezno mi recite koji je vas omiljeni dizajn, moj duks je u velicini XS/S i kao sto vidite prilicno su opusteni, pa slobodno narucite urpavo svoju velicinu.














I wore: