8 Oct, 2014

Dubai Mall Outfit


And the second post from Dubai is here, this time its an outfit I wore to the Dubai Mall. As I briefly mentioned, I wasn’t really sure what to pack here, because the temperature is just above bearable, at least for someone who has been living in England for 7 years now. 40 Degrees is not something I get to experience during the summer often, and it get more complicated as in malls and hotels temperature is around 20 which makes your body super confused. Talking about weather, thanks to the humidity for this hair style, if it can even be called that, basically its one big mess on my head, but I sort of love it :) On the other hand, Dubai is amazing, dinner with my friends by the fountain, lights of the city, and the view on tallest building in the world- Burj Khalifa. Mall is so big that there is even mall taxi, for people who want to get quicker from one place to the other. I wore something to cover the knees and shoulders, as that is required for the mall, but as I said previously regardless to the heat, I want to dress appropriately for this culture. I enjoy the challenges, so I picked this stripy below the knee dress, and found it pretty comfortable for walking around. What do you think? I am gonna slip into a bikini now and off to swim with Dolphins, really excited for that one, as it has been my dream for such a long time…Speak to you soon glitters!

Jos jedan post iz Dubaija je tu, a ovaj put to je kombinacija koju sam nosila u Dubai shopping centar. Kao sto sam spomenula, zaista nisam znala sta da spakujem za ovu destinaciju, jer je temperatura iznad podnosljive, bar za nekog ko zivi u Engleskoj poslednjih 7 godina. 40 Stepeni celzijusa nije bas ucestalo za zemlju u kojoj zivim, ma ni u najvrelijim letnjim mesecima, ovo iskustvo je jos komplikovanije jer je u objektima, kao sto su hoteli i butici temperatura oko 20 stepeni, pa vam je ili hladno ili toplo kako god okrenete. Kad smo kod vremena, zahvaljujem se i velikoj kolicini vlage u vazduhu za ovu frizuru, ako se to uopste moze tako nazvati, ali ja bih rekla da je nesto poput haosa na glavi :) S druge strane, Dubai je neverovatan, vecerala sam sa prijateljima pored fontane diveci se svetlima grada i najvisoj zgradi na svetu- Burj Khalifa. Shopping centar je toliko veliki da mozete uzeti i taxi koji vas vozi od prodavnice do prodavnice. Ja sam obukla nesto sto pokriva kolena i ramena, jer tako pravilo nalaze, jer sam rekla da bez obzira na vrucinu zelim da oblacim stvari koje postuju ovdasnju kulturu. Obozavam izazove, tako da sam se potrudila da nadjem stvari koje odgovaraju tome, te izabrala obu haljinu na pruge ispod kolena. Kako vam se cini? Sada oblacim bikini i idem da plivam sa delfinima, jako sam uzbudjena jer je to nesto sto sam zelela da uradim jako dugo…Pricacu vam o ovom iskustvu vrlo brzo!
















I wore: