I went slightly crazy about autumn clothes lately. If you are keeping up with my Depop up, I am clearing out the wardrobe and getting some new stuff for the season, you know out with the old in with the new. I got this new River Island sweater dress and shirt and couldn’t wait to wear them together. Autumn accessories, such as cute boots and hats are simply my favourites, and I really enjoy coming up with warm and cosy looks. Todays look is all about layering and my favourite knit dresses, its so hard to find a good one, because they can make you look slightly bulky, but this one is already in my top 5 I own. I also can imagine this look with some skinny jeans, in case of a colder day. I am packing my bags today as Im off to Paris again this Thursday. This is when I realise how good I am in procrastination haha. Oh well, Paris is always a dream :)
Malo sam poludela za jesenjom odecom. Ukoliko me pratite na Depop-u, resila sam se mnogo toga iz mog garderobera i rascistila prostor za nove stvari, znate i sami, resavamo se starog da bismo prihvatili novo. Kupila sam ovu River Island kosulj i pletenu haljinu i jedva sam cekala da ih zajedno obucem. Jesenji dodaci kao sto su cizme i sesiri su mi omiljeni i zaista uzivam u smisljanju toplih i udobnih kombinacija. Danasnji autfit je slojevit, jer sam ispod haljine obukla tu kosulju dugih rukava. Mislim da je tesko naci dobru pletenu haljinu jer vecina zna da vizuelno “udeblja” ali ovom sam bas zadovoljna. Takodje uz ovakvu kombinaciju mozete obuci i uske farmerice za hladnije dane. Danas se pakujem jer u cetvrtak ujutru idem opetu Pariz. Znam da cu oklevati and otvorenim koferom bar sat vremena, jer mi tako pakovanje pada u poslednje vreme. Ali Pariz je uvek san snova, tako da jedva cekam da budem opet u tom gradu :)
I wore: