Fashion week in flats? Why didn’t I think of that before? When I saw these cute flat booties, I couldn’t wait to give them a spin around Paris. For the full Frenchy look I also took cute hat, over accessorised and went for the effortless chic. This day was really hectic, but somehow last hour of the day seemed so serene with pink skies and walk from Louvre to the Arc de Triomphe. I am really looking forward to wearing autumn hats, scarfs and ankle boots, even if summer keeps lingering which I don’t mind at all. October should be fun. At this point I am very excited to spend some time with my family and to relax, but I know that there are already trips lined up for next month. Not as intense as fashion week though. I am just about to head out to breakfast and one of the shows that I am extremely exceed about (soon more details), have so much material to post, and can’t wait to get back home to edit all the videos. How do you like this look? Very unusual for the fashion week, right? Still I loved its comfort, playfulness and the French vibe.
Fashion week u ravnoj obuci? Kako se ranije nisam toga setila? Kada sam ugledala ove cizmice, nisam mogla da docekam da ih prosetam po Parizu. Za kompletan Pariski look takodje za izabrala sesir, dodala mnogo detalja, nakita i odlucila se za chic look bez mnogo truda. Dan je bio totalno uzurban bez mnogo vremena da zastanem i pogledam oko sebe kako bih uzivala u prelepom gradu, ali sam to na kraju dana nadoknadila setnjom ispod ruzicastog neba od Luvra do Trijumfalne kapije. Radujem se jako jesenjim sesirima, salevima, pa cak i cizmama, cak iako je leto i dalje tu i uveseljava me prelepim zalascima sunca. Oktobar ce biti veoma zanimljiv mesec, jedva cekam da provedem vise vremena sa mojom porodicom, da se opustim, mada znam da me cekaju putovanja nakon manje od dve nedelje. S druge strane nista nije toliko napeto i krcato adrenalinom kao modni mesec. Sada se spremam na dorucak i revijuoko koje sam jako uzbudjena (uskoro vas ceka vise detalja), ali imam toliko materijala za vas,oftografija, videa, da sam uzbudjena da vam sve to pokazem. Kako vam se svidja ova kombinacija? Neobicna za nedelju mode, zar ne? Udobnost, razigranost i dodir Francuske lezernosti su ono sto mi se najvise dopalo kod nje.
I wore: