29 Sep, 2014

PFW day 1

Thanks to Jose Martinez for some of these amazing photos!

Another day in Paris is over. Few more days in this city, yet so many events, parties, shows and presentations. It feels that days are not a good way to measure time anymore, because they last incredibly long usually starting at 7 am and finishing around 1-2am either behind a lap top, or at an after party. There is always somewhere to go, something in the schedule that I could only make it all if I didn’t have to eat or sleep. With Paris being its beautiful self its really easy to shoot anywhere. On this occasion- and on my first day of shows I wore somewhat easier outfit that I usually go for, cashmere jumper, black skirt and amazing shoes, because that is what I think totally spiced it up. We started the day with tour around Galeries Lafayette, my favourite place in Paris for shopping. I really enjoy the museum-like atmosphere in this luxurious oasis of fashion. After breakfast in Angelina bakery, we headed to their VIP apartment which is 400 square meter of luxury, place that is shopping heaven for anyone as its totally adjustable for your needs and wishes. Following that it was time for Issey Miyake show in Jardin des Tuileries, again some whites, pastels and yellow. I loved SS15 easy vibe that was going strong on the catwalk. Patricia Bonardi was the presentation that was next on our schedule. Brazilian designer totally blew me away with beautiful detailing, dresses that tell a story and embellishments that were hand stitched for hours. As someone who pays attention to detail this was just way too beautiful to me. After that I decided to take the heels off, put my favourite flats on, tight up my hair and just enjoy the moments in this city walking around Paris till late. Dinner in Trocadero, walks next to Seine and sparkling Eiffel Tower, what more could a girl ask for?
It can be pretty challenging to stay on top of my outfits now, as full month of wearing heels, gorgeous dresses, prints and colours somehow feels overwhelming at moments, and I feel that I need quick infusion of outfit inspiration. I discovered a new fashion platform called WEAR which allows you to find inspiration everywhere. There are few ways of using it, but I like to upload my looks, tag the items I am wearing and then look at the ways other people wore the same item. Its so much fun sharing looks like this, and if you do, you even have a chance of being featured in NYLON magazine. You can download the app or use it on the desktop, and once you create your profile, feel free to check out my looks here, if we have some same pieces, you can show me how you styled them :) Isn’t it amazing being surrounded by fashion people? I constantly find out about new tricks, websites and amazing apps that make our lives so much easier.

Jos jedan dan u Parizu je gotov. Samo me par dana deli od povratka kuci, ali ipak je ostalo jos mnogo revija, prezentacija, sastanaka i dogadjaja. Osecam se kao da dani nisu vise adekvatna mera za vreme, jer su izuzetno dugacki, s obzirom da dan pocinje u 7 ujutru a zavrsava se oko 1-2 iza lap topa ili na after-partiju. Uvek je nesto na rasporedu i ne bih postigla svako desavanje cak ni kada ne bih morala jesti ili spavati. Posto Pariz sam po sebi izgleda tako kako izgleda slikanje ne predstavlja problem. Na koji god cosak da stanete slike ce ispasti odlicno. Zapoceli smo dan obilaskom Galerije Lafajet, koja je moje omiljeno mesto za shopping u Parizu. Zaista uzivam u ovom mestu, koje izgleda kao muzej sa atmosferom prave oaze za kupovinu. Po prvi put sam posetila njihov VIP apartman koji se prostire na 400 kvadratnih metara, gde udobnost ukrsta puteve sa luksuzom. Nakon toga na redu je bila Issey Miyake revija u Jardin des Tuileries, opet velika kolicina bele, pastelnih boja i zute. Veoma jaka kolekcija SS15 ovladala je i ovom modnom pistom. Patricia Bonardi je prezentacija na koju smo nakon toga otisle. Brazilska dizajnerka me je oborila s nogu predivnim detaljima, haljinama koje pricaju posebnu pricu i perlicama koje su rucno prisivane danima. Posto sam osoba koja daje veliku vaznost detaljima za mene je ovo bilo magicno iskustvo. Posle toga odlucila sam da izujem stikle, vezem kosu u visoki rep i krenem u setnju gradom. Vecera u Trokaderu, setnja pored Sene i sljasteci Ajfelov Toranj, sta bih jos mogla pozeleti?
Moze biti prilicno tesko ostati u stvarnosti kada je rec o odevnim kombinacijama, jer sam ceo mesec nosila stikle, prelepe haljine, printove i boje, a to ponekad moze biti zbunjujuce, jer se osecam kao da mi se samo nosi trenerka, uz solju tople cokolade u udobnoj foteji. Otkrila sam novu modnu platformu WEAR koja takodje pomaze da ugrabite inspiraciju na svakom koraku. Postoji nekoliko nacina na koje je mozete koristiti, ja volim da okacim slike mojih kombinacija da tagujem stvari koje nosim, jer onda mogu da vidim kako su te iste stvari nosili drugi ljudi. Ja obozavam ove platforme na kojima mogu da imam interakciju sa vama, jer mi takodje pomaze da vidim kakvu odecu vi volite, a ukoliko postavite svoje outfite, imate i sansu da izadjete u NYLON casopisu. Mozete ovo sve uraditi preko aplikacije na mobilnom ili na desktopu, a kada napravite profil, mozete pogledati i moj ovde :) Nije li divno biti okruzen ljudima iz modnog sveta, uvek saznam neke nove trikove, cujem o novim sajtovima i aplikacijma koje olaksavaju svakodnevni zivot.












I wore:


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