Today I woke up trying to analyse what happened in the past week. I do this often, but it requires certain things that I didn’t have enough of in the past seven days- some free time and seclusion. I like to reflect on everything I do, so that I can learn, improve and just understand how certain things work,it is also very important for me, as it creates a mental break from constant whirlwind of events, schedule checking and rushing. Well I can tell you it was a fabulous week, I was surrounded by some of the most amazing people with whom I could laugh, admire fashion and talk about same situations as we understand each other. New York is a magical place, but I will tell you about that in one of my next to come posts. For day 6 of NYFW I wore a lot of print, funnily enough as I was getting ready I watched an interview with Anna Wintour in which she said she would never feature all black looks in Vogue, she loves print and colour, and that made me so happy I stuck to my own style, not trying on the whole minimalism direction, but just being who I am and wearing what I wear, even if 90% of the successful bloggers now have minimalistic style. The day started with some meetings, Diesel Black Gold show and a little shoot about which you could find out on my instagram. It was such a fabulous day and I feel so grateful I could be part of this fabulous adventure and to share it with you.
Danas sam se probudila i lezala u krevetu jos malo pokusavajuci da analiziram sta se sve desilo protekle nedelje. Ovo cesto radim, ali zahteva odredjene stvari kojih nisam imala dovoljno u poslednjih sedam dana- slobodno vreme i da budem sama. Volim da razmislim apsolutno o svemu nakon sto se desi, kako bih izvukla neku pouku ili mozda shvatila odredjene stvari, takodje mi je bitno jer ovo stvara neku mentalnu pauzu za moj mozak i opusta me od jurcanja i gledanja u raspored. Mogu vam reci da je ovo bila neverovatna nedelja, bila sam okruzena ljudima sa kojim mogu da se smejem, uzivam u modi i razgovaram o temama za koje znam da u potpunosti razumeju. Njujork je grad pun magije, ali o tome cu vam reci u jednom od narednih postova. Za sesti dan NYFW outfit je bio pun boje i printa-naravno. Bas dok sam se oblacila gledala sam intervju sa Anom Vintur u kom je rekla da u Vogue nikada nece staviti kombinacije u crnom od glave do pete, to me je podstaklo da budem veoma srecna sto se pridrzavam svog stila, koji je pun boje i printa, iako je 90% uspesnih modnih blogera totalno u minimalizmu i crno belim kombinacijama. Dan je poceo sastancima, Diesel Black Gold revijom i malim photo-shootom, o kom ste vec saznali putem instagrama. Kakav dan, osecam se zahvalno sto mogu da budem deo ove avanture i da je podelim sa vama.
I wore: