9 Sep, 2014

NYFW Day 5


Aquarelle – a style of painting using, typically transparent, watercolours. This outfit, inspired by some of most beautiful paintings I have seen from French Romanticism was what I wore for the day 5 of this fabulous fashion event. 50 colours of blue, green and that gorgeous colour of my birthstone, aquamarine. I must say I really enjoyed wearing this look, and even though I know its something you either love or hate, I absolutely loved the movement of the skirt, bare shoulders and amazing New York city vibe it carried with it. My day started with Tommy Hilfiger show which was just breathtaking like you can read below. I decided to finally make some space in my schedule and go on the top of Rockefeller Center as I have never done anything similar in New York. I must say it was the best decision ever. Usually when I am in New York for fashion week, I just focus on work and don’t really get much chance to browse around or go to the museums I would love to, as I tell myself this is not a holiday, I am here with a reason and have to do the work. This time I convinced myself that I can call it work, as long as I take some photos there too, which is exactly what I did :) The day ended with Nylon magazine Gala, which was so much fun and a great place to see some of my favourite New Yorkers. Two more outfits left to show you until I am back to London, as much as I love this city and as much as it gives me the most incredible energy I never knew I had, I am really excited for the other three fashion weeks too, and simply can’t wait to experience it all!

Akvarel- nacin slikanja pri kojem se koriste vodene boje u tankom sloju. Ovaj outfit je inspirisan nekim od najlepsih slika koje sam videla iz Francuskog romantizma, te sam ga nosila za pet dan Njujorske nedelje mode. 50 razlicitih nijansi plave, zelene i boje mog zastitnog kamena-akvamarina. Moram reci da sam zaista uzivala u ovoj kombinaciji, iako znam da je nesto sto cete ili obozavati ili mrzeti, kretanje suknje na vetru, gola ramena i deo Njujorske duse u ovom outfitu su me pre svega osvojili. Moj dan je poceo Tommy Hilfiger revijom, koja je bila neverovatna kao sto mozete procitati ispod. Odlucila sam da konacno napravim prostora u rasporedu i da odem na vrh Rokfeler Centra, posto nisam nista slicno jos do sada radila u Njujorku. Svaki put kada sam u gradu je iskljucivo poslom, sto znaci da se koncentrisem da odradim sto vise mogu i nemam vremena da posecujem razna mesta koja bih volela da vidim, muzeje i znamenitosti kao sto bih to radila da sam na godisnjem odmoru. Ovde sam sa razlogom i pre svega moram da obavim poslovne obaveze. Ipak, ubedila sam samu sebe da ako napravim nesto foto i video materijala sa samom vrha ove gradjevine, vreme tamo provedeno spada u obavljanje posla, pa sam tako i uradila :) Dan je zavrsio sa Gala proslavom Nylon casopisa, koja je bila fenomenalna i odlica izgovor da vidim neke od mojih omiljenih Njujorcana. Jos su preostala dva outfita sa nedelje mode u Njujorku,a onda se vracam u London, koliko god obozavala ovaj grad jer mi daje neverovatnu energiju za koju nikada nisam mislila da imam, uzbudjena sam zbog svega sto mi ovaj mesec nosi, pa sa nestrpljenjem iscekujem i ostale nedelje mode!

Photo PhillipVN








PicMonkeyth Collage
Tommy Hilfiger
Stars were all present in the Tommy Hilfiger SS15 show, and I don’t mean just Georgia May Jagger and Kendall Jenner, but actual stars, printed on beautiful dresses, boots, tops, and even models faces as part of the makeup look. I was lusting over the sheer maxi dresses while this amazing spectacle was going on, and looking across my row from time to time to see the approval on the face of Anna Wintour. Thumbs up from me, which is your favourite look from the ones above?

Zvezde su bile veoma prisutne na Tommy Hilfiger reviji, a pritom ne mislim samo na Kendall Jenner i Georgiu May Jagger koje su nosile reviju, vec i na zvezde na haljinama, cizmama, majicma pa cak i obrazima manekenki. Ja sam uzdisala za providnom, dugackom haljinom, koja je na vrhu moje wish liste za sledece prolece. Dok je modni i muzicki spektakl trajao, s vremena na vreme sam bacila pogled na red prekoputa gde je sedela Anna Wintour, da vidim odobravajuci osmeh. Palcevi su upereni ka gore, koji je vas omiljeni komad sa slike iznad?




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