6 Sep, 2014

NYFW Day 2

photo PhillipVN

Remember those times in your childhood, when you spend a whole day doing something amazing outside, playing whole day and having so much fun that when you get home you are absolutely exhausted, but still can’t sleep from the excitement? I remember them very well, and remember that when I eventually fall asleep it would be the best sleep ever. This is exactly how I felt last night, I had a long day that started at 6am and finished at midnight. Even though I was so tired already around 5pm, I pulled through with all the excitement, and time just flies when you are constantly meeting new people and talking to them. On day two of NYFW I loved Kate Spade and Charlotte Ronson presentations the most, girly materials, patterns and shapes as you could see on my social media. Talking about girly, my outfit definitely reflected my style to its core, print, colour, feminine vibe. What really made my day was just meeting a lot of new people, and catching up with some of my blogger friends from all around the world. Its so funny that you can go to a fashion show alone, but there you know a lot of people, and it feels like you are at home, even if you are in fact over 5000km away from it. There are people who you only see every February and every September, yet each time you see them its like you never separated, and that is what happens when you have same passion in common. And there are also you guys, I get so excited when I meet you in the streets, and these two days were an absolute blessing as I got to chat with many of you, and to learn more about these amazing people that follow my blog. Thank you for sharing the love and positivity, as that is what I believe in, and thank you for all the feedback that helps me improve! New York fairy tale continues today, but before I show you what I planned on wearing and doing on this occasion, first check out the Topshop outfit I sported yesterday! What do you think?

Secate se onih trenutaka iz detinjstva kada ceo dan provedete napolju igrajuci se i zabavljajuci se toliko da dodjete kuci totalno iscrpljeni ali preuzbudjeni da zaspete? Ja ih se secam veoma dobro i secam se da kada konacno utonem u san, to bude pravi duboki san, pa ustanem sveza i odmorna. Sinoc sam se bas ovako osecala, nakon dana koji je poceo u 6 ujutru a zavrsio u ponoc. Vec u 5 popodne sam bila umorna od obaveza, stikli i vrucine, ali me je adrenalin i uzbudjenje drzalo, kao i cinjenica da sam konstantno pricala sa ljudima i bila okruzena prijateljima koje dugo nisam videla. Drugi dan Njujorske nedelje mode su me odusevile Kate Spade i Charlotte Ronson revije, koje su bile zenstvene i od zanimljivih materijala kao sto ste mogli videli na mojim drustvenim mrezama. Kad smo vec kod zenstvenog, jucerasnja kombinacija je definitivno predstavlja moj stil do maksimuma, uz print, boju i dozu elegancije. Ono sto je moj dan ucinilo neverovatnim su upravo ljudi sa kojima provodim vreme, upoznala sam mnoge i srela svoje stare blogo-prijatelje, koji iako zive na razlicitim stranama sveta od mene su na istom mestu i tu se kao slucajno srecemo svaki dan. Jako je neobican osecaj kada znam da i ako udjem sama na reviju, znam da ce tamo biti dosta poznatih faca, pa se osecam kao kod kuce, iako sam vise od 5000km udaljena od nje. Ima mnogo ljudi koje vidjam samo u februaru i septembru, a svaki put kada ih vidim nakon pola godine opet smo nerazdvojni, a to je ono sto se desi kada sa nekim delite veliku strast, kao na primer prema modi. A tu ste i vi, naravno, fenomenalni citatelji mog bloga. Bila sam toliko uzbudjena jer sam juce upoznala mnogo vas, pricali smo, smejali se, slikali, ali najvise od svega razmenjivali pozitivne afirmacije sto meni veoma znaci, jer znate koliko verujem u moc pozitivnog razmisljanja. Hvala vam za to, kao i za sve komentare uz koje mogu da radim na sebi. Njujorska bajka se nastavlja i danas, ali pre nego sto vam pokazem sta sam obukla, ostavljam vas sa Topshop kombinacijom od juce, kako vam se cini?















I wore:


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