“Every Year The Women Of New York Leave The Past Behind & Look Forward To The Future… This Is Known As Fashion Week…”, I couldn’t start this post differently, but quoting one and only Carrie Bradshaw. This is my 4th season covering NYFW- the abbreviation that never gets old, 4th season in the city that never sleeps, sharing my experiences with you, juggling all the social media, emails, taking photos and various electronic equipment all while in heels. No, it is not difficult, but its stressful as you usually have 3-4 places to be at in one hour, and traffic is absolutely ridiculous, but its the most amazing feeling, sitting at a fashion show, waiting for the lights to turn off, for reflectors and music to start, and to see what the first model will be wearing on the catwalk. You know, this might be absolutely normal for a socialite who grew up visiting fashion shows as their friends are presenting, or modelling etc…for me its another story. I never took any of the moments spent in New York for granted. I worked hard to be here, to get those invites, and it feels amazing how much my blog has progressed since the first season here. I now have a team, Andjela and I are running around the city, trying to look at the schedule with one eye, while the other eye is working on something completely different. I am happy. Its really hot over here, specially comparing to the other side of the Atlantic, but my choice of the dress for the first day was absolutely right. Most gorgeous pastel pink dress with incredible detailing by Mihano Momosa was what really made me feel like a princess on day 1. You know, its easy to spot a beautiful dress, even if people have different tastes, we can all agree that some pieces are generally gorgeous, however there is much more to it. A dress that can make you feel invincible and amazing is not just pretty but its your best friend for important events, its like a piece of confidence that you put on. I decided to pair it up with silver Jimmy Choos and a clear clutch by Sandro Paris, and wore this outfit to few shows of the day, including BCBG Max Azria, Tadashi Shoji and Desigual. As every season the short descriptions of the shows will be listed below, so don’t miss that. This season I will be writing only about my absolute favourites. Hope you like what I wore for the first day of this big adventure.
“Svake godine zene u Njujorku ostave proslost iza sebe i gledaju ispred, u buducnost… Ovaj period je takodje poznat kao Fashion Week…” Nisam mogla da zapocnem ovaj post bez da citiram cuvenu Keri Bredsou. Ovo je moja 4.sezona kako posecujem NYFW-skracenica koja nikada ne stari, 4.sezona u gradu koji nikada ne spava, odakle delim svoja iskustva sa vama i zongliram izmedju drustvenih mreza, mejlova, slikanja i raznih drugih elektronskih uredjaja, sve u stiklama, naravno. Ne, nije mi tesko, jeste stresno, jer uglavnom morate biti na 3-4 meste u samo jednom satu, saobracaj je nenormalan, ali za mene je to jedan od najneverovatnijih osecaja, sedeti na modnoj reviji, dok cekam da se svetla ugase, reflektori upale, muzika pocinje a onda pazljivo posmatram kakav model nosi prva manekenka dok izlazi na pistu. Ovo je mozda nesto sasvim uobicajeno za fenomenalne devojke koje su odrasle na ovaj nacin, sedeci na revijama za koje su karte dobile bez problema, od prijatelja ili porodice…u mom slucaju, to je druga prica. Nikada nisam nijedan od ovih trenutaka uzela zdravo za gotovo. Izuzetno sam mnogo radila da danas mogu biti ovde, da dobijem te pozivnice i osecaj je neverovatan kada vidim koliko je moj blog napredovao od prve sezone u Njujorku. Sada ovde imam i deo tima, Andjela i ja trcimo po gradu, pokusavamo da gledamo na raspored jednim okom, dok drugim gledamo na sasvim drugo mesto. Srecna sam. Ovde je jako vruce,pogotovo u poredjenju na drugu stranu Atlantika, ali moj izbor haljine je bio bez greske. Najlepsa moguca pastelno roze haljina, koju je dizajnirao Mihano Momosa mi je pomogla da se danas osecam kao princeza. Znate, veoma je lako ugledati lepu haljinu i iako se ukusi razlikuju, ako je zaista lepa vecina ce se sloziti. Ali haljina u kojoj se osecate neverovatno i mocno je mnogo vise od lepe, to je vas najbolji prijatelj za bitne dogadjaje, kao parce samopouzdanja koje stavite na sebe. Odlucila sam da je kombinujem sa srebrnim Jimmy Choo stiklama i providnom Sandro Paris pismo torbom, te sam ovo nosila na nekoliko revija, ukljucujuci BCBG Max Azria, Tadashi Shoji i Desigual. Kao i svake sezone mozete videti na dnu kratak opis revija. Ove sezone cu vam pisati iskljucivo o mojim omiljenim trendovima i revijama.Nadam se da vam se dopada sta sam obukla za prvi dan ove velike avanture.
A show that gets me excited every year, because of its approach to the beautiful, fun life that we create for ourselves. Needles to say that everyone was enchanted the moment Adriana Lima opened the show, but you can see that for yourself in the photo above. Floral print was heavily present in this Spring 15 collection, and I absolutely loved the bouquets that each model wore on the head. Very happy, youthful, and playful.
Revija zbog koje sam uzbudjena svake sezone, pre svega zbog njihovog pristupu zivotu kao necemu prelepom i zabavnom, jer je to ono sto mi sami mozemo stvoriti za sebe. Ne moram reci da su svi u publici zanemeli kada je Adriana Lima otvorila reciju, a kako je izgledala mozete videti na slici iznad. Cvetni print je bio svuda prisutan u ovoj Prolece 2015 kolekciji, a meni su se izuzetno dopali cvetni aranzmani na glavama manekenki, mladalackii razigrano
A spring dance of beautiful silk scarfs is what comes to my mind when thinking about this collection. Relaxed, bohemian sensibility is what describes the direction in which Max and Lubov always go. Many pastel colours, prints and interesting shapes. Textures and interesting layers are what kept me wanting for more.
Prolecni ples svilene marame je prvo sto mi padne na pamet kada pomislim na ovu kolekciju. Opusten i boho senzibilitet najbolje opisuju pravac u kom Max i Lubov idu sa svojim modelima. Mnogo pastelnih boja, printova i interesantnih oblika. Teksture i zanimljivi slojevi su ono sto je u meni budi zelju za jos!
Japanese designer stuck to his feminine vibe and lineal shapes. I am so excited about the mesh panels which I can’t have enough of, even If they were present already last September. Maxi dress that doesn’t require heavy detailing and can be worn during the day is something you can’t easily make, unless you are Shoji as it seems.
Japanski dizajner se drzao svog zenstvenog smera i linearnog kroja. Odusevljena sam mrezastim panelima koji mi nikako ne mogu dosaditi, bez obzira koliko vec bili ubacivani u brojne kolekcije. Mislim da je dugacku haljinu veoma tesko napraviti, a da joj detalji nisu potrebni, Shoji-ju je to ipak poslo za rukom.
I wore: