What does it really mean to seduce someone? Well, according to Oxford Dictionary besides other things it means to attract someone powerfully. Another concept i thought about a lot, what is it about attraction, why do some people attract more and other less? Even as friends or lovers some people just ignite that spark in us, the one which is unexplainable, i still am not quite sure what it is, but I always feel powerful attraction to people with great sense of humour and people who smell good. The second one is simple and something that brings us to the whole DNA of the humans. Have you ever thought about how smell can be a powerful tool? I suppose that is why perfume industry is so big and why we all crave that one signature scent. At the third day of LFW I went for relatively simple look, and decided to spice it all up with my current favourite perfume, signature scent for fall Kenzo Jeu d’Amour. I love the seductiveness of this concentrate of sensuality, which is also what my whole makeup look was about. Feminine, captivating and charming this perfume was a perfect accessory for the look, together with the red lips. I wore mix of leather and denim, and these gorgeous heels with socks. By the way, what do we think about that trend? I hope you like this look and I will make sure to catch up with you again tomorrow.
Sta to zapravo znaci zavesti nekoga? U cuvenom Oxford Recniku jedna od definicija je prvuci nekoga. Jos jedan koncept o kom razmisljam mnogo, sta je to kod prilacnosti, zasto nas neki ljudi privlace manje a drugi vise? Ne samo u ljubavi, vec i u prijateljstvu, neki ljudi jednostavno potpale tu iskru u nama, nesto neobjasnjivo, takodje u narodu kazemo da sa tim ljudima “kliknemo”, razumemo se iako je ovo potpuno neobjasnjivo. U mom slucaju postoje dve stvari koje me najvise privlace kod ljudi, smisao za humor i miris. Druga stavka je veoma jednostavna, objasnjenje nas vodi skroz u pocetak covecanstva i sam DNA ljudske rase. Da li ste ikada razmisljali o tome kako miris moze da bude mocno orudje? To je verovatno razlog zasto je industrija parfema toliko uspesna, svi mi trazimo neki parfem koji je prepoznatljiv i koji ce sve na nas podsecati. Treci dan LFW-a obukla sam prilicno jednostavnu kombinaciju i odlucila da je zacinim crvenim karminom i trenutno omiljenim parfemom Kenzo Jeu d’Amour. Obozavam zavodljivost ovog mirisa, jer je kao koncentrat senzualnosti. Zenstven, sarmantan i zanosan, ovaj parfem je idealan dodatak za moj outfit, zajedno sa crvenim usnama. Kombinacija koze i teksasa zajedno sa stiklama i kratim carapama. Kako vam se cini taj trend? Nadam se da vam se dopada kombinacija, sutra vam pisem sa novim outfitom :)
I wore: