17 Sep, 2014

LFW Day 1

And I finally go back to the first day of the London Fashion Week. The colourful ensemble worn here, was a bit more than just colourful, I played with shapes and textures, to get a bit more dept to this look. As you guys might know I have partnered with my-wardrobe.com and picked these both skirt and sweatshirt from their website, as they are by London based designer Michael van der Ham. London Lab is a collective of most talented London designers on their site, and I really wanted to pick something from this section, as it felt natural to wear it for LFW. First day was just amazing, I didn’t sleep for two nights prior to it, but the adrenaline of the fashion week in the city that feels as if its home was igniting the sparkling feeling of butterflies in my stomach- otherwise known as- I ran on pure adrenaline. There was so much to do many places to be, and I managed to make it all thanks to Uber services, as their driver took me all around the town in the quickest possible way. If you aren’t using Uber, I suggest you install the app, and for my lovely users I have a surprise, if you type in code GLAMANDGLITTER you can get £20 off your first ride! LFW is over now, I am already on my way to Milano as you are reading this, but I am trying to recollect all I did on the first day.

I hang around with amazing Max Factor team a little bit, who did my make over, and helped me achieve glowing complexion during the fashion week with their new skin luminizer, as you can see in the photos. At the end I received a full radiance kit which I used through out the week to help my skin look like I did sleep, even though that wasn’t entirely true haha, the beauty of makeup. I feel good, half way though the fashion month, but still Milan and Paris to go. Hope you all are liking the looks so far, and can’t wait to show you what else I have prepared :)

I konacno se vracam na outfit od prvog dana Nedelje Mode u Londonu. Spoj veselih boja koji sam obukla je mnogo vise nego samo spoj boja, igrala sam se i sa razlicitim materijalima i oblicima, da bih dobila kombinaciju sa malo vise dubine. Kao sto vec do sada verovatno znate, ostvarila sam saradnju sa cuvenim my-wardrobe.com sajtom, na kom sam izabrala mnoge komade za ovaj modni mesec, ukljucujuci i ceo ovaj outfit Londonskog dizajnera Michael van der Ham. London Lab je zabravo kolekcija najtalentovanijih lokanih dizajnera, grupisanih na jednom mestu, pa je moja kombinacija upravo dosla sa te stranice, jer sam mislila da je to najprikladnije za prvi dan ove manifestacije. S obzirom da sam “izgubila” noc u vremenskoj razlici po povratku iz Njujorka i da sam se pakovala noc posle te, zapocela sam ovo modno dogadjanje veoma umorna, sa teskim koferom, podocnjacima i bez dve noci sna. Mogu da se zahvalim adrenalinu koji mi je pomogao da izguram sve obaveze sa svog rasporeda. Na vreme sam stizala zahvaljujuci Uber-u koji me je vozio od mesta do mesta na najbrzi moguci nacin. Ukoliko ne koristite Uber aplikaciju, toplo vam je preporucujem, a ukoliko ukucate GLAMANDGLITTER promo kod, mozete dobiti besplatnu prvu voznju u vrdnosti do 20 funti. LFW je za ovu sezonu gotov, a ja putujem za Milano dok vi ovo citate, ipak trudim se da vam bar malo prepricam kako je izgledao taj prvi dan u Londonu.

Imala sam snimanje sa Max Factor timom koji me je ulepsao i pokazao mi neke trikove za lepsu i sjajniju kozu tokom ovih dana bez mnogo sna. Na kraju sam od njih dobila citav set kozmetike koji ce mi pomoci da ovo postignem i koji ce sakriti obaveze na mom licu, haha smika je cudo. Osecam se odlicno sada kada je vec pola modnog meseca iza mene, jos Milan i Pariz, pa onda na zasluzen odmor. Nadam se da vam se dopadaju kombinacije do sada!

Max Factor Skin Sessions Glam and Glitter from Tamara Kalinic on Vimeo.

Photo Elena Golovaneva






I wore: