26 Sep, 2014

Last post from MFW


With fashion month coming to an end, I have realised that its all culminating more and more, meaning that time for blogging is really hard to find, but not just time. Internet is in a huge scarcity in Paris, I am struggling to find places with high speed internet, and its annoying as the amount of photos I have that I can’t wait to post is accumulating. Paris is another story, the fashion, food, and incredible Parisienne lifestyle always inspires me. This fashion month has been like a beautiful story where every single piece, corner, outfit and fashionista can inspire me. I have seen so many outfits, skirts, pairs of shoes and autumn looks that I can not wait to try out, with my personal touch of course. During the London fashion week I even discovered the app called ASAP54 where I was posting pieces I liked, and app suggested me where I can find similar if not the same pieces. I though that is just genius, as for me pair of shoes can be just like a song, it gets in my head and wouldn’t leave it until I find it. It was quite addictive in a good way as every time I see a great outfit, accessory,pair of shoes, I would snap it and get a sea of ideas where to find a similar/same product sometimes for even less money! Love it! My profile name is of course @theglamandglitter so feel free to check it out and to show me what inspires you guys. On the last day of Milan Fashion Week I wore this gorgeous silk suit from Joseph via My-wardrobe.com, I love how the silk trousers fall easily over the pointy shoe, as well as the effortlessness of this entire look. It certainly is one of my favourite “I woke up like this” looks I ever worn. What do you guys think?

Kako se mesec mode priblizava kraju shvatila sam da se situacija zakuvava sve vise i vise, sto znaci da je vreme za blogovanje skoro nemoguce za izdvojiti, ali ne samo vreme. Internet je u velikoj nestasici po Parizu, kako stvari stoje nisam uspela naci nijedan kafe sa brzim internetom, a to me nervira zato sto imam jako puno materijala za vas. Pariz je druga prica, moda, hrana neverovatan stil zivljenja Parizana koji me uvek inspirise. Ovaj mesec je bio kao neka bajka u kojoj me je svaki komad odece, cosak gradova koje sam obilazila, outfit i modni bloger inspirisao. Uzivala sam upijajuci sve oko sebe, videla sam mnogo cipela, suknji, sesira, kombinacija koje sam zapamtila i zelim da isprobam uz neki svoj potpis . Za vreme Londonske nedelje mode instalirala sam ASAP54 aplikaciju gde sam kacila neke slicice stvari koje volim i koje me inspirisu kako bih pronasla slicne komade. Za mene par cipela moze da bude kao pesma koja mi ne izbija iz glave, znate onaj momenat kada je pevusite sve dok ne otkrijete tacan naziv pesme i reci, tako se ja osecam kada vidim par cipela koje mi se svidjaju a ne znam odakle su. Moj username na aplikaciji je naravno @theglamandglitter, obavezno pogledajte moje slicice ako stignete. Poslednji dan Milanske nedelje mode sam obukla Joseph svileno odela sa my-wardrobe.com sajta jako mi se dopada kako svilene pantalone padaju preko spicastih cipela, kao i celokupna bezbriznost kombinacije. Ovo je jedna od mojih omiljenih “ovako sam se probudila” kombinacija. Kako vam se cini?









I wore: