Before i start this text i decided to tell you a little story. I am very harsh when it comes to myself, to any kind of work i do or realisation of my dreams. I do a lot of stuff, but when something is not carried out up to my standards I dont give myself an easy way out.
I learned that when you lose the excuses you find the results, and if we are too weak and forgiving to ourselves goals will just be harder to reach which means that discipline is absolutely necessary in leaving the life of our dreams.
If i feel very lazy, stay in bed till 10am even when i have ton of stuff to do, I am not one of those people who will pat herself on the shoulder and say ok I needed that rest, because i think that that sort of approach doesnt do me any favour. Instead i give it a look from another angle. If i am demotivated and dont feel like working, i ask myself, why am i doing this and remind myself of all the things i want to achieve. I go through my list of goals i set myself for this year and remind myself how important they are to me, then i make myself a big cup of coffee and get on with work- i call this Empire State Of Mind. Every now and then give yourself a break in order not to burn out, but dont use work-rest balance excuse just to rest all the time, its not a balance then, its pure laziness.
I visit this city twice a year, some call it a city that never sleeps, other call it place where dreams are made, but i think its a city in which anything is possible as long as you work for it. Going on top of the rock made me see how small i really am in this huge world and also made me look at the things in a more realistic way.
What is it that you really want? Focus on it and go after it.
Im telling you this because i wish someone told me the same on the days that i felt like things seem so impossible to do, but just remember once you lose those excuses you will find the results and it will feel better than ever because you will know you worked for them and earned them. Set your standards high, be the goal getter and show the ambition necessary to be in that empire state of mind.
Pre nego sto zapocnem ovaj tekst, prvo da vam ispricam jednu pricu. Kada je rec o meni, o bilo kakvom poslu koji radim i ostvarenju mojih snova, uzasno sam samo kriticna. Radim mnogo toga, ali ako stvari nis odradjene sa standardom na koji sam ja navikla, ne dam sebi ni sekund oduska.
Naucila sam da kada izgubite izgovore pronadjete rezultate a ako smo preslbi i previse oprastamo sami sebi, nasi ciljevi se nekako izgube i postanu dalji i dalji, sto znaci da je disciplina neophodna u zivljenju zivota koji zelite. Kada sam lenja i ostanem u krevetu do 10 ujutru iako imam tonu stvari da zavrsim, nisam jedna od onih koji ce reci “Nema veze odmor mi je bio potreban” jer mislim da mi taj pristup ne cini nikakvu uslugu. Umestotoga, pristupim stvarima na drugi nacin. Kada sam demotivisana i nista mi se ne radi, pitam samu sebe sta je to sto zelim da postignem i koliko mi je to vazno, napravim veliku solju kafe i krenem sa poslom- ovo raspolozenje nazivam Empire State of Mind. Bitno je svako malo priustiti sebi pauzu kako ne biste pregoreli u svom silnom radu, ali nemojte da koristite “balans” izmedju rada i odmora kao izgovor da se samo odmarate, jer to nije odmaranje nego jednostavno lenjost.
Posetim ovaj grad dva puta godisnje, neki ga zovu grad ostvarenja snova, drugi grad koji nikada ne spava, a ja mislim da je ovo grad u kojem je sve moguce ukoliko radite ka tome. Na vrhu Rokfeler centra osecala sam se tako malo i sagledala stvari na realisticniji nacin. Sta je to sto stvarno zelite? Fokusirajte se na to i radite ka tome.
Ovo vam pricam jer bih volela da je meni neko sve to rekao kada sam prolazila kroz trenutke u kojima mi je sve bilo tesko, ali setite se da negde usput izgubite izgovore, a onda cete naci prave rezultate i osecaj ce biti neverovatan jer cete znati da je to ono ka cemu ste radili. Postavite standarde visoko, krenite da grabite ka cilju i pokazite ambiciju neophodnu za empire state of mind.
I wore: