After a lot of events which required dressing up, wearing fitted dresses and high heels, I decided I needed a break for a weekend by the beach. A very simple black dress-check, sandals-check and a touch of colour-check. Perfect uniform for a hot summer day. This Jimmy Choo bag fits all of my necessities,a big wallet, small makeup bag, keys, phone, earphones and all of those little things that us girls need like random receipts, gum, lip glosses, including a little note book in case I get a clever idea on the go. My friends and family will never understand why I always drag this notebook around, but the thing is I just know I will need it the day I leave it at home-its always the case! Brighton looks so pretty in the summer, the sea, the beach, ice cream everywhere and that sea smell, its so special for me. I feel slightly worried that its August and before we know it it will be cold again, but since I didn’t get a proper beach holiday this summer, maybe I will try and escape when it gets colder and that way minimise the cold days in my calendar. Im wishing all of you amazing month, use it for all of those things that you planned on doing this summer!
Nakon mnogih dogadjaja, proslih nedelja, koji su zahtevali posebno lepe haljine i visoke stikle, odlucila sam da mi je potrebna pauza i jedan vikend pored mora. Veoma jednostavnu crnu haljinu sam kombinovala sa jos jednostavnijim sandalama i naravno malo boje. Savrsena uniforma za vreo letnji dan. Ova Jimmy Choo torba je moj idealan saveznik, jer u nju stane sve sto mi treba, novcanik, neseser, kljucevi, telefon, slusalice, sve one sitnice poput zvaka, gomile racuna i sjajeva za usne, kao i mala sveska u koju zapisem ako mi na pamet padne nesto dobro. Moji prijatelji i porodica nikada nece shvatiti zasto mi je ta sveska toliko neophodna, ali ja znam da ce mi onaj dan kada je ostavim kod kuce biti najpotrebnija. To je uvek slucaj! Blago sam zabrinuta sto je vec avgust, jer se leto blizi kraju, ali posto ove sezone nisam imala nijedan pravi odmor pored bazena,mozda ukradem par dana zimi i tako produzim leto. Svima vam zelim divan mesec i da uradite sve ono sto ste planirali za ovo leto a jos niste uradili.
I wore: