This outfit is all about comfort, and a proof that details really do make the look. Wearing denim cut off shorts and a simple black top might not sound like an outfit for this blog, which is why I decided to wear it with bright green Ray Bans, bright blue bag and this new Givenchy scarf from I wore this for a little road trip this week, as I wanted to be comfy, and relaxed on the way there. Scarf is always a must have for travelling in my case. Not to mention how important it is when flying! Let me know what is your ideal outfit for a girly road trip, one in which you wanna look cute as soon as you arrive? Thank you so much for all of your comments and kind words, means the world to me!
Ova kombinacija je zapravo posvecena udobnosti, i dokaz da detalji uglavnom cine kombinaciju. Teksas sorts i crna majica i nisu neki outfit za ovaj blog, zato sam odlucila da ih kombinujem uz zelene Ray Ban naocare, plavu torbu i novi Givenchy sal sa sajta. Ovo sam obukla kada sam isla na kratko putovanje kolima, posto sam htela da se osecam udobno i opusteno u toku voznje. Sal mi je neophodan kad god putujem, da ne spominjem koliko tek ako je put avionom. Obavezno mi napisite u cemu najradije putujete ako zelite da izgledate lepo vec kad stignete, dakle ne mislm na trenerice, vec na neke udobne a lepe kombinacije! Hvala vam svima na komentarima i podrsci, kao i na divnim savetima sto se tice Dubrovnika, od ponedeljka sam u ovom prelepom gradu i jako se radujem!
I wore: