Hey lovelies, this is probably one of my very last summer outfits for this season. I’ve been trying to hold onto it, because I know that I will be bored of sweaters and coats very very soon, so I want to make the most of the sunny weather we’ve been having.
These jungle prints, straw hat, sandals and a bright yellow hat make my perfect “chilling at the beach look”. We were blessed with good summer this year I would say. I am probably saying that, because previous few summers were pretty non existent. I must say on one hand Im excited about all the autumn winter trends, and changing around my wardrobe, but on the other hand I feel so sad thinking about rain and all the cold weather that we will get. Not really sure how to embrace this “rainy days” excitement :)
Dragi moji, javljam vam se sa verovatno jednim od poslednjih letnjih outfita za ovu sezonu. Pokusavam da ne odustanem od letnjeg raspolozenja jos, jer znam da ce mi kaputi i dzemperi vrlo brzo dosaditi. Ovaj ludi print, slamnati sesir, sandale i zuta torba su moj idealni look za opustanje na plazi. Zaista smo imali divno leto ove godine. Mozda to kazem jer su prethodna dva bila prilicno nepostojeca. Moram ipak priznati da sam uzbudjena zbog jesen zima trendova i promene garderobera, ali me zastrasuje pomisao na kisu i uzasno vreme. Nisam jos sigurna kako da pocnem euforiju oko promene godisnjeg doba :)
I wore: