27 Aug, 2014

Girly Lace Dress


Good morning world! I woke up pretty early this today, as ahead of me is a long day of meetings in London. I had to post this outfit before I leave my office, just because I think this is one of the prettiest dresses I have worn lately. Peachy tones, lace and the shape all tick my boxes, and even though I got it back in March or April from my friend Jovana, I never had a chance to wear it. When I wear something for the day, usually we try to find a fun or interesting location for the shoot, and then we think about few different things, including how many people will be there and how will the outfit match the background. We either try to contrast it somehow, or to match it. That is the rule unless Im travelling, in those case I just take photos at various different locations to make a little travel diary. As you can tell in todays post we tried to contrast this girly summer dress with what seems like infinite amount of hills and nature. This look is girly and playful, its not something crazy or innovative, just a perfect look for a girly afternoon, cinema or even a first date :)

Dobro jutro dragi moji! Ustala sam malo ranije danas, jer me ceka dan prepun obaveza i sastanaka u Londonu. Odlucila sam da post moram staviti pre nego sto napustim kancelariju, pogotovo jer mislim da je ovo jedna od najlepsih haljina od onih koje sam nosila u poslednje vreme. Nijanse kajsije, cipka i oblik su bas po mom ukusu, te iako sam je dobila jos u martu ili aprilu od moje drugarice Jovane, nisam imala sansu da je nosim. Kada obucem nesto na dan, trudimo se da osmislimo dobre lokacije za slikanje koje uglavnom zavise od toga gde nece biti previse ljudi i sta sam obukla. Trudimo se da outfit bude ili u skladu sa lokacijom, ili da bude totalni kontrast za malu dozu umetnicke fotografije. To je pravilo osim kada putujem, tada se slikam gde god stignem i na taj nacin pokazujem na blogu neki travel dnevnik. Kao sto vidite danas smo izabrali lokaciju koja totalno kontrira ovoj zenstvenoj cipkanoj haljinici, jer je kako se cini beskonacna kolicina brda i prirode. Kombiinacija je prilicno girly, razigrana, nisto ludo ili inovativno, ali nesto idealno za zensko popodne, bioskop ili mozda prvi dejt :)



I wore: