I would like to start this post by saying THANK YOU to your wonderful support on my previous article. I was so happy and excited when I saw that many of you find it inspiring, my goal really on this blog is to inspire you in some way, if its an outfit, a makeup look, or just anything else along the way its equally amazing when you guys tell me that my stories inspire you to work on yourself. Yesterday was a pretty busy day, a lot of stuff has to happen before fashion week season starts, including fittings, meetings, packing, and this time I have to pack 3 suitcases before the 1st of September, crazy, huh? I already have a system and how I do these things so that doesn’t bother me, I feel equally nervous and excited for it all to happen. Today you can see me wearing this A line skirt different to how I wore it last time. I purchased this Kenzo jumper in Barcelona, and love how versatile it is. New addition to my shoedrobe are this Miss Selfridge heels, and I just couldn’t wait to wear them, the heel is chunky, so they are super comfy and just gorgeous. What do you think about shoes with chunky heels? I know that opinions vary. I am off to shop last few bits before going back to Brighton to pack, thats the part in which I am a real procrastinator. But what has to be done….has to be done :)
Zelela bih da zapocnem ovaj post sa velikim HVALA na recima podrske u jucerasnjem postu. Toliko sam bila srecna kada sam videla da vas je inspirisao tekst, jer poenta ovog bloga je upravo to-da vas inspirise na neki nacin, da li je to outfit, nacin sminkanja ili nesto drugo, nije bitno, sve dok vas podstice da radite na sebi. Juce je bio prezauzet dan za mene, mnogo stvari na repertoaru pre puta za Njujork, ukljucujuci sastanke, probavanje kombinacija, pakovanje…a ovaj put moram spakovati 3 kofera pre 1.septemrbra, ludo zar ne? Imam neki sistem sto se ovoga tice, tako da to ne bi trebalo biti problematicno, ali sam u isto vreme uzbudjena i osecam malu anskioznost kada pomislim na sve sto me ceka. Danas nosim ovu crnu suknju A oblika, na drugaciji nacin nego prosli put. Kenzo duks sam kupila u Barseloni i obozavam ga jer se moze nositi na mnogo nacina. Najnoviji dodatak u mom cipelarniku su ove Miss Selfridge stikle i nisam mogla docekati da ih obujem. Posto je stikla ovako debela izuzetno su udobne i lake za hodanje, kako vam se cine? Idem da kupim jos poslednjih par stvarcica koje mi nedostaju, pre nego se vratim u Brajton, a onda pocinje pakovanje.To je onaj deo gde najvise odugovlacim i radije bih bilo sta drugo radila, ali sto se mora nije tesko :)
I wore: