3 Aug, 2014

1 Black Skirt 5 Outfits || Video


New video is here! This time its all about simple, black, A line skirt that most of you have in your wardrobes. I decided to film a video to give you ideas on how to wear this staple piece for many different occasions. The skirt I used was current season H&M Trend skirt. I hope you enjoy it, and let me know what other items you would like me to film for the “How to wear” video.

Novi video je tu! Ovaj put se sve vrti oko obicne, crne suknje A kroja, za koju mislim da mnogi od vas imaju u svom ormanu. Odlucila sam da snimim ovaj video da vam dam ideju kako da je nosite na vise nacina, za razlicite prilike. Suknja koju sam ja koristila je aktuelna sezona H&M Trend. Nadam se da cete uzivati i obavezno mi recite koje biste jos komade rado videli u ovim “Kako kombinovati” videima.