If you follow my blog for some time now, you probably know that I often wear clothes from GIRISSIMA.COM website. They have various brands and something for everyone’s pocket, which is what I really like. Today I am here with a giveaway, that is very quick and simple, you could potentially win 2000€ worth of their clothes, which is equivalent to £1750! Rules are very simple, all you have to do is click HERE and sign up to their newsletter, which takes less than 2 minutes of your time (literally!). Girissima will get in touch with the winner, and you have 15 more days of the giveaway to participate, so get all your friends and family to do it also! Good luck to all of you, In the post I have included some of my looks wearing clothes from Girissima website :)
Ako pratite moj blog vec neko vremen, sigurno znate da cesto nosim odecu sa GIRISSIMA.COM web sajta. S obzirom da imaju nesto za svaciji dzep i mnogo brendova, mislim da su idealni za moju publiku, kao i za moj stil. Danas vam se javljam sa malom nagradnom igrom, koja je krajnje jednostavna, a neko od vas ce osvojiti odecu u vrednosti od 2000€ sto je otprilike £1750! Pravila su jednostavna, samo upisite svoju email adresu OVDE, trebace vam manje od 2 minuta da ucestvujete (bukvalno!). Girissima ce kontaktirati pobednika, a posto imate jos 15 dana do kad se nagradna igra ne zatvori, slobodno recite svim clanovima vase porodice i prijateljima da urade isto! Zelim vam puno srece, a u ostatku ovog posta mozete videti jos neke od mojih outfita sa odecom sa Girissima sajta :)