Hello from sunny Italy. I know that its slightly confusing since the post is from Ibiza, but I thought it was about time I tell you more about this fabulous trip I went on last week.I was on this Balearic island for the second time this year, and loved every moment of it. We were there with Tia Maria, shooting a campaign for this tasty coffee liqueur, and at the same time I had fun with fellow bloggers and some models that were there too. Does it look familiar? Of course it would, since I stayed again at the amazing Destino hotel (loving that place). Here are few of the shots from the time spent in the hotel. These photos were taken on the same day,as I wanted to be really comfy in the breaks when not shooting, I opted either for a maxi dress, or a bikini. Hope you like the photos, next post, coming directly from the home of Pizza, can you guess where I am?
Javljam vam se iz suncane Italije. Znam da je to prilicno zbunjujuce, s obzirom da je post sa Ibice, ali mislim da je kraljnje vreme da vam pokazem par slika sa putovanja prosle nedelje. Posetila sam to Belearsko ostrvo drugi put ove godine i uzivala u svakom trenutku. Domacin nam je bio Tia Maria tim, a tamo sam slikala kampanju za ovaj liker od kafe zajedno sa drugim blogerima i nekim modelima. Da li vam slike izgledaju poznato? Verovatno zato sto sam opet odsela u prelepom Destino hotelu(obozavam to mesto). Ovde je par slika koje sam napravila u pauzama izmedju obaveza. Sve je slikano isti dan, kao sto vidite udobnost mi je bila na prvom mestu, pa sam najvise vremena provela u maxi haljini i kupacem. Nadam se da vam se slike dopadaju, sledeci post stize direktno iz cuvenog mesta gde je pica nastala, ko zna o cemu govorim?