24 Jul, 2014

Barcelona with Eurostars BCN Design


You guys know that while visiting Barcelona, I stayed at the gorgeous, modern and city centre located Eurostars BCN Design Hotel. Since I often do travel and hotel features on the blog, I decided to tell you what was it that I found most convenient about this one that was my home for 3 days. When going on a city break there is one thing I feel most passionate about, and that is the location, which is exactly why being on Passeo De Gracia (and across the Chanel and Valentino shops) is a perfect choice.You don’t really feel like travelling long on the underground or taxi in 40 degrees just to be able to be somewhere near the civilisation. I took few photos of my outfit on the last day-just before leaving, as this was my final look from Barcelona and my go-to look when travelling. This Fashion Blogger River Island jumper is so cool for travelling, warm and cosy + a huge conversation starter with other passengers haha. You can also see a different way of styling these Jimmy Choo trainers,that I am so in love with. Now that I sad all that, how cool is the bath tub in the centre of the room? I am so sad I didn’t get a chance to have a bubble bath, but since the hotel has big thumbs up from me, I will sure be back to experience that too. In this post you can also see a video I did in the hotel, as another episode of my travel series.

Kao sto znate, za vreme mog boravka u Barseloni domacin nam je bio hotel u centru grada, cuveni Eurostars BCN Design. S obzirom da cesto putujem i pisem ovde o iskustvima i hotelima, kako dobrim tako i losim, odlucila sam da vam napisem sta mi se toliko dopalo kod ovog hotela u Barseloni. Kada idem na odmor u neki od vecih gradova, najbitnije mi je da je hotel u samom centru grada, a ovaj hotel je bio tacno na Passeo De Gracia ulici (preko puta Chanel i Valentino pbutika haha), sto je ispao odlican izbor. Zaista ako zelim da obilazim znamenitosti, ne zelim da putujem podzemnom ili taxijem na +40 stepeni, pogotovo ne ak onosim fotoaparat i teze stvari. Pre nego sto sam napustila Barselonu, odlucila sam da uslikam ovaj outfit u kom sam putovala. Fashion Blogger duks iz River Island butika je skroz cool za putovanje, topao i udoban, ja se uvek smrznem u avionu pa mi je neophodan, a i odlican je za zapocinjanje razgovora, te sam stekla prijatelje u avionu haha. U ovom postu vidite i drugaciji nacin za kombinovanje Jimmy Choo srebrnih patika u koje sam toliko zaljubljena. Kada sam vam sve to rekla, kako vam se cini kada na sred moje sobe? Jako sam tuzna sto nisam imala priliku da je isprobam, ali posto mi se hotel jako dopao, sigurno cu se vratiti jos koji put da iskusim i to. Osim outfita, u ovom postu je tu i video sa putovanja, nadam se da vam se dopada.









I wore: