22 Jun, 2014

Summer Wedding Outfit Solution


A lot of you have been sending me emails and questions about various outfit dilemmas and mainly ultimate one- what to wear to a wedding, prom or an important event this summer. Every girl dreams about looking beautiful in a designer dress but not about the high price tag that usually comes with it. I have great news for everyone since I stumbled upon Chic-by-Choice, a website that allows you to rent a gorgeous designer dress wear it to the event, and return it. Probably many of you are wondering how it works since it seems too good to be true, but trust me, all you need to do is find a dress you love, book the hire period for either 4 or 8 days. You receive your dress via DHL and after your important event dress gets picked up from your home, after which it is cleaned and repaired (should be needed) all free of charge!
I really loved the idea and in todays post I am wearing a Peter Pilotto dress from Chic-by-Choice that I picked as one of my favourites. It was hard to choose because there was another Pucci dress I just couldn’t get my eyes off (you guys know how strong my love for print is!) but in the end I wore this beautiful and colourful dress to my friends birthday. I decided to pair it with orange mirrored sunglasses, just to add a bit of attitude to the look, as well as the blue leather details, shoes and the bag that I thought perfectly matched the look. What do you think? Have you got an important event this summer? Or even better summer wedding? I just love them and specially now when one worry less is that standard “What to wear?”…Closet full of clothes and nothing to wear? Us girls definitely understand that one! Have a great week everybody!

Cesto mi saljete mejlove i pitanja o raznim outfit dilemama i najcesce cuvenu- sta obuci na svadbu, maturu ili bitan dogadjaj ovog leta. Svaka devojka sanja o tome da izgleda prelepo u haljini cuvenih dizajnera, ali ne i o visokoj ceni koja uglavnom dolazi sa tim. U danasnjem postu imam sjajne vesti za sve, posto sam naletela na Chic-by-Choice sajt, koji vam omogucava da iznajmite vasu omiljenu haljinu, da je nosite na dogadjaj i potom vratite. Verovatno se pitate kako to sve funkcionise i obecavam da je veoma jednostavno. Sve sto treba da uradite jeste da pronadjete haljinu koja vam se dopada, da je iznajmite na 4 ili 8 dana a haljina potom stigne DHL-om na vasu kucnu adresu, nakon vaseg dogadjaja DHL pokupi istu a kompanija se brine o hemiljskom ciscenju i popravci (ukoliko je potrebna) sve bez ikakvih troskova vama!
Meni se ta ideja jako dopala i u danasnjem postu nosim Peter Pilotto haljinu sa Chic-by-Choice sajta, koja je bila jedan od mojih favorita. BIlo je tesko odluciti se samo za jednu, jer je tamo bila i jedna Pucci haljina sa koje sam jedva skinula oci (znate i sami koliko olim printove), ali sam na kraju odlucila da na drugaricim rodjendan obucem bas ovu sarenu, letnju haljinu. Iskombinovala sam je sa narandzastim Ray Ban suncanim naocarima, da kombinaciju malo “opustim”, te sa omiljenim plavim cipelama i torbom. Kako vam se cini konacan izgled? Da li i vi imate bitan dogadjaj ovog leta? Ili mozda bolje neko vencanje? Ja obozavam vencanja pogotovo sada kada imam jednu brigu manje jer ono standardno “Sta da obucem..” nestaje. Orman pun odece, a nemate sta da obucete? Definitivno se razumemo, ipak smo mi devojke nekako iste na tom polju! Zelim vam svima divnu nedelju!













I wore: