Imagine a flowy dress with an open back ad a bow abow it, now imagine it in a mint colour, is there anything that screams more summer than that? Todays post is again quite simple, but something I wore for ice cream by the beach on a very hot day. For tomorrow I am preparing a makeup post for you guys, as I haven’t done one in a bit. Also next month there will be a lot more videos, so throw all of your suggestions at me, and maybe even some questions because I am planning on doing a Q&A one ;)
I am going to pack a suitcase now and spend some time with my sister, as tomorrow I am off to London for four days, you can spy on my adventures on instagram- @theglamandglitter
Zamislite leprsavu haljinu sa otvorenim ledjima i masnom ispod izreza, sada je zamislite u mint boji, da li postoji nesto drugo sto vise podseca na leto? Danasnji post je opet veoma jednostavan, nesto sto sam nosila za setnju i sladoled na plazi. Za sutra vam spremam make up post, jer ste ga trazili a dugo nisam uradila jedan (ako se favoriti ne racunaju). Sledeceg meseca cu se vise posvetiti i mom YouTube kanalu, pa mi predlozite sta biste voleli da vidite. Takodje postavite neka pitanja u ovom postu, jer planiram video sa pitanjima i odgovorima :) Sada idem da spakujem kofer i provedem malo vremena sa sestrom jer sutra idem u London na cetiri dana, pa vam preporucujem da pratite moje avanture na insagramu @theglamandglitter
I wore: