My 4 days in London were like a dream. I had a crazy amount of work recently, and things have started heavily changing in my schedule which required me to constantly work and do a lot of stuff at the same time, but the weekend was just fab! On Saturday I had a yummy brunch and went to National History Museum, which I definitely recommend should you be visiting London. The day was perfect to take it easy as the weather was kind of strange, warm yet rainy. As you can tell my hair is super messy (thanks to British weather) which is something I don’t sport in general, but I kind of liked it for a relaxed occasion. Not long until we are on the road again, summer already started to look exciting and I can’t wait to reveal what are we working on next!
Poslednja 4 dana u Londonu su bila kao san. U poslednje vreme imam nenormalnu kolicinu posla, neke promene u rasporedu zbog kojih sam morala dodatno da poradim na aktivnostima, ali vikend je bio savrsen. U subotu sam se konacno naspavala, otisla na brunch u moj omiljeni kafe restoran i posetila National History Museum, koji vam svakako preporucujem ako planirate putovanje u London. Dan je bio odlican za relaksaciju jer je vreme bilo bas cudno, toplo ali kisovito. Kao sto vidite, kosa mi je veoma cupava (hvala Britanskom vremenu) sto je nesto sto ne nosim cesto, ali mi se za ovakvu priliku cak i dopala tako opustena. Jos malo pa opet putujemo, leto vec pocinje da izgleda uzbudljivo, a ja jedva cekam da otkrijem na cemu radimo sledece!
I wore: