21 Jun, 2014

More Ibiza Diary


From left to right: Sandra, Angelica, Victoria, Linda, Me, Zanita, Patricia, Sammi, Kenza

Ibiza posting is still not over. I decided to transfer a little bit of amazing atmosphere we had on that island onto you in this post. I already told you we had an amazing group, full of talented bloggers and youtubers,which is so good, as we inspire each other and learn from one another so much. Last night of this trip, River Island took us to Lio, which as a fabulous entertainment bar/restaurant, where besides enjoying in the food, we had the unforgettable time watching performers do these magnificent acts (hopefully you will se that in the video I am preparing). I am not gonna tell you too much, but will let you enjoy this huge photo diary from our boat trip to Formentera and other bits and bobs :)

Postovi sa Ibice jos nisu gotovi. Odlucila sam da prebacim malo energije sa ovog putovanja i na vas u ovom postu. Kao sto sam ranije rekla, imali smo sjajnu grupu punu talentovanih blogera i youtuber-a, sto je zaista fenomenalno, jer smo se medjusobno inspirisali i mnogo naucili jedni od drugih.Poslednje vece ovog putovanja River Island nas je odveo u Lio, cuveni restoran sa neverovatnom zabavom, gde osim sto smo uzivali u hrani, nismo ostali ravnodusni spektaklu koji nas je tamo cekao(nadam se da cete to videti i u videu koji spremam). Necu vam previse otkrivati jos, vec vas pustam da uzivate u photo dnevniku sa putovanja brodom do ostrva Formentera i par drugih zanimljivih slika.







Last two photos from Zanita‘s amazing blog



Last two photos from gorgeous Patricia Bright



Lovely Sammi from BeautyCrush took the last two photos



Few Photos from beautiful Kenza



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