I thought I would post a selection of some of my favourite products, or shall I say essentials when on the go. This would also be my every day make up look, would you like to see a tutorial on it?
I use Estee Lauder Double Wear foundation as it lasts the whole day, has matte finish and is just perfect amount of coverage for the photos, I love to slightly contour my cheeks with Chanel Les Beiges powder in 40 which I bough a shade or too darker so its a bronzer rather than a powder. When it comes to eyes, this is my neutral MAC palette, Brûlée, Haux, Embark and Tete a Tint. Brûlée(the lightest one) is always applied on my top eyelid, with focus on inner corner, an Haux and Embark are used to put accent on the outer corner. I always give it a finish with the Dior Art Pen Liner (still trying out loads of others, so we will see how things will develop). On my eye lashes, you can see me applying Benefit Bad Gal mascara, which I can never replace with a different product. The drier it is, the better (in my case thats with every mascara like that, as I don’t like clumps) For the cheeks, I tend to change around, but currently I switch between Nars Gina and this Dior Duo. For lips its Estee Lauder Pure Colour Envy in Potent with a touch of YSL lip gloss. I hope you like this look, make sure to let me know what are your go to products, and if you can suggest me any good make up quad, I love matte and highly pigmented ones. Almost weekend, hope you are all excited.
Odlucila sam da postavim nekoliko mojih omiljenih proizvoda na blog danas, ili mogu reci neophodnih stvarcica kada sam u pokretu. Ovako izgleda moja sminka za svaki dan, da li biste voleli video tutorial o njemu?
Za pocetak koristim Estee Lauder Double Wear tecni puder, jer traje ceo dan, ima mat finish i odlicno izgleda na slikama. Cesto lice konturisem Chanel Les Beiges puderom u kamenu u boji 40, za nijansu-dve tamniji od moje boje, cisto da naglasim jagodice, tako da ima ulogu bronzera. Kada na red dodju oci, jos jedna od mojih omiljenih kombinacija MAC boja je tu: Brulee, Haux, Embark i Tete a Tint.. Brûlée(najsvetlija) obicno ide na gornji kapak, sa fokusom na unutrasnji cosak oka, dok Haux i Embark sluze da potamne spoljasnji cosak oka i daju taj mackasti oblik oku. Sve ovo zavrsim eye linerom Dior Art Pen (iako i dalje prolazim kroz fazu probavanja raznih, pa se ovo mozda i promeni). Maskara je vec godinama nezamenjiva Benefit Bad Gal. Sto je suvlja i starija, to bolja (u mom slucaju mnogo vise volim maskare kada se malo osuse, jer ne volim grudvice i vise cenim gustinu). Kod obraza cesto menjam, ali trenutno volim narandzaste i breskva tonove, pa su mi omiljeni Nars Gina i Dior Duo sa slike. Na usnama je Estee Lauder Pure Colour Envy u Potent nijansi i malo YSL sjaja za usne. Nadam se da vam se dopada ovaj look, obavezno mi recite sta vi koristite svaki dan i ako imate omiljene senke. Ja licno preferiram mat i veoma pigmentisane boje. Jos malo pa vikend, nadam se da ste uzbudjeni!
products: MAC quad | Dior Nude Duo | Estee Lauder Pure Colour Envy | Dior DiorShow | Estee Lauder Double Wear Foundation | Chanel Les Beiges Powder-Bronzer| YSL Touche Eclat