Sightseeing in Zurich is pretty different, as in this case it involves a lot of great food, cheese and chocolate. On my second day in Switzerland I just enjoyed walking around, admired slightly different architecture, spent time buying chocolate and macaroons in Sprüngli, lunch in Cafe Felix, which is gorgeous for desserts too (trust me on this one), and finished the day of with Swiss traditional food in Degenried Restaurant. I strongly recommend all of these in case you are visiting Zurich. Our host, Park Hyatt Zurich has the best location for shopping since its just few steps from Bahnhofstrasse. Even though it rained a little bit(hence my hairstyle), I didn’t regret my outfit, since it was appropriate for the day of walking and relaxing. Isn’t touch of pink sometimes all an outfit needs?
Razgledanje znamenitosti u Cirihy je malo drugacije, jer u ovom slucaju ukljucuje mnogo dobre hrane, sira i cokolade. Drugi dan u Svajcarskoj sam uzivala u dugim setnjama, drugacijoj arhitekturi, provela poprilicnu kolicinu vremena u kupovini pralina i macaroonsa u Sprüngli-ju, rucala u Cafe Felix-u koji je izvrstan za deserte takodje(verujte mi na ovome) i zavrsila dan u tradicionalnom Svajcarskom restoranu Degenried. Preporucujem vam toplo sva ova mesta ukoliko posetite Cirih. Nas domacin, Park Hyatt Zurich ima najbolju lokaciju za shopping, jer je samo par koraka od najpoznatije ulice Bahnhofstrasse. Iako je kisa padala (kao sto vidite po mojoj frizuri), nisam pozalila outfit, posto je bio idealan za setnju i relaksaciju. Zar malo pink boje nije sve sto zelimo ponekad u kombinacijama?
I wore: