9 May, 2014

April Favourites || Beauty, Fashion and Random

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Hello my lovelies! Yes, as usual monthly favourites video is here, this time however slightly longer (or double the length) as I felt super talkative and felt like I haven’t had a chat with you in ages, so here we go. I would make a cup of tea/coffee or even bring a snack just because its more less the same length as an episode of 2 Broke Girls. I have tried many new products this month, and some of them are really sticking in my routine. For the full list of products mentioned and links, open the whole post. Make sure to give this video thumbs up so I make more beauty related ones, and of course to subscribe if you haven’t already! Enjoy :)

Cao dragi moji! Da, kao i obicno video sa omiljenim proizvodima prethodnog meseca je tu, ipak ovaj put malo duzi(ili duplo duzi) jer sam se bas raspricala i nekako mi je nedostajalo to caskanje sa vama. Savetujem vam da napravite solju kafe ili caja, mozda cak i uzmete neke grickalice, jer je video manje vise duzine jedne epizode 2 Broke Girls serije. Probala sam mnogo novih proizvoda ovog meseca i neki su zaista ostali u mojoj rutini. Za listu i linkove ovih proizvoda savetujem vam da pogledate ceo post, jer se detalji nalaze na dnu. Obavezno kliknite na palac gore ako zelite vise beauty videa i naravno na subscribe ako vec niste! Uzivajte :)

All the products mentioned are:
1.Chanel Les Beiges Powder in 40
2.NARS Gina Blush
3.Tom Ford Quad in Cocoa Mirage
4.Tom Ford Lipstick Nude Vanille
5.Estee Lauder Pure Pure Colour Envy Sculpting in Potent
6.Dior Fluid Stik in 373
7.YSL Touche Eclat in 1
8.MAC EyeBrow Pencil in Brunette
9.Hermes Eau de pamplemousse rose
10.Björk and Berries White Forest Body Lotion
11.Creme De La Mer Oil Absorbing Tonic
12.Swarovski Slake Bracelets
13.Jimmy Choo Passport Case
14.Christian Dior So Real Sunglasses
15.Twinings Apple and Pear Green Tea
16.Starburts Sour Chews