Every spring I get into my usual florals and whites, and yes, nothing groundbreaking there, but still always feels refreshing to go back to them once the sun comes out. I wore this outfit today, for my close friends birthday dinner, and really loved how florals and pink+white combination made me feel. You probably saw this white Wallis jacket on my instagram almost half a year ago when I went for their press day. It was love at first sight and I couldn’t wait to finally own it. I think it will be one of my staples for spring wardrobe and you will probably see it on the blog until it falls apart. Floral jumper gave my look a bit of print and colour, together with this Jimmy Choo Rebel bag. Talking about the Rebel, I can’t quite decide what is it that makes me so crazy about it, but I absolutely adore it. It makes me really happy, is it the colour or the shape? I can’t decide, but if you ask my friends, currently its something I am raving about a lot lately. Bag like this would also be my best festival friend! I hope you like this look, let me know what is your spring must have and if you would like to see any spring related fashion and beauty videos?
Svako prolece se vratim mom omiljenom, cvetnom printu kao i beloj boji. Da, nista neobicno u tome ali ipak svako prolece osecam neko osvezenje kada obucem ovakav outfit. Ovo sam nosila danas na proslavu drugaricinog rodjendana i zaista sam se sjajno osecala u kombinaciji cvetnog printa, bele+pink boje. Verovatno ste videli ovu belu Wallis jaknu na mom instagramu pre skoro pola godine kada sam bila na njihovoj prezentaciji kolekcije za prolece-leto. Nisam moogla docekati da je obucem i mislim da ce biti jedna od mojih osnovnih stvari za ovu sezonu, nesto sto cu nositi dok se ne raspadne. Dzemper cvetnog printa je doneo malo boje i zanimljivosti mojoj kombinaciji zajedno sa Jimmy Choo Rebel torbom. Kad smo vec kod Rebel torbe ne mogu da odlucim sta je to zbog cega sam totalno poludela za njom, ali naprosto je obozavam. Boja i oblik me cine srecnom i u poslednje vreme svaki put kada je stavim svima kazem da mi je to omiljena torba, te da je idealna za festivale. Nadam se da vam se dopada ova kombinacija i obavezno mi recite koji komad je vas omiljeni za prolece 2014 kao i sta biste voleli da snimim na ovu temu za moj yt kanal?
I wore: