29 Apr, 2014

Pure Colour Envy Sculpting Lipsticks


Since many of you have asked me to post more about make up trends and beauty products, I decided to make it a little bit more of a habit. As a result of hearing your wishes, from now on, once a week there will be a regular make up post. I come across so many new products, old favourites and my absolute must-haves that I decided to share my best-kept beauty secrets with you guys.

Today I am talking about the newest Estée Lauder Pure Colour Envy Sculpting Lipsticks. According to Tom Pecheux, Estee Lauder Creative Makeup Director, lipstick can make women feel sexy, confident and powerful, and I pretty much agree. Sometimes I take photos on the go, and realize that the only thing missing from my outfit is my lipstick, as I forgot to retouch it. Lipstick can make a huge difference
Estée Lauder has created the ultimate product that intensifies lips with saturated colour, sculpts them with multi-faceted pigments and hydrates with continuous moisturization, all of that and in gorgeous packaging that you will love to show off.

There are many beautiful shades, including 2 that are available only at Selfridges; Daring and Ambitious Pink. Ambitious Pink is something I can imagine seeing all over SS15 catwalks in September and still be a huge trend this summer too, which makes me excited, as I love bright lips!

I have been testing them for the past few days, as I was very lucky to get my hands on 4 of my favourite shades: Insatiable Ivory, Potent, Defiant Coral and Dominant.

First impression? Very creamy and long lasting. Yes, I know I said it before but I get quite surprised when a creamy lipstick really does last the whole day. Traditionally creamy lipsticks are not perceived to last all day, while matte lipsticks have longer staying power, but not this time. It’s so much easier to apply a lipstick if it’s a little bit creamy, don’t you think?

I will soon make this experience a little bit more interesting for you guys by visiting an Estée Lauder counter at Selfridges in Birmingham and will report back about the different make up looks I am planning to try out there; Daring, Irresistible, Impulsive and Powerful, you can tell me which one you like best after you have seen them.

You can also visit Selfridges to experience the event in-store, including the InstaPrint innovation which will be such a great experience, as you can print your own gorgeous Instagrams (Instagram turns polaroid yay!) Use the #lipstickenvy when you take your photo and then go in-store to print out your photo, you can then enter the fantastic competition to win the whole set of lipsticks, worth over £500!

If you are creative there’s so much you can do with your prints, as well as having them as memories all around your house. I look forward to seeing yours and don’t forget to use the #lipstickenvy

Posto su me mnogi pitali da vise pisem o sminci i kozmetici, odlucila sam da zapocnem novu tradiciju na blogu! Kao rezultat vasih zelja, od sada cete nedeljno jednom imati i post o lepoti. Susrecem se sa mnogim novim proizvodima , vracam se onim proverenim i naravno imam neke favorite koji se nikada ne menjaju, ali sam odlucila da redovnije delim sa vama svoje dobro cuvane tajne.
Danas cu vam pricati vise o najnovijem Estée Lauder Pure Colour Envy Sculpting karminima. Sudeci po onome sto Tom Pecheux, kreativni direktor Estée Lauder-a kaze, karmin moze totalno promeniti zenu i uciniti je mocnom,sexy te joj dati samopouzdanje, a ja se slazem. Cesto se slikam za post i dok gledam slike razmisljam kako mi je falio ruz u odredjenoj boji. Karmin zaista moze da promeni mnogo toga.
Estée Lauder je izbacio na trziste novi proizvod koji pojacava intenzivnost usana bogatom bojom, daje im lepsi oblik pigmentnim cesticama i hidrira ih konstantno, a sve to u divnom pakovanju kojim cete biti veoma ponosni.

Ima mnogo lepih nijansi, ukljucujuci dve koje su ekskluzivne u Selfridges-u u Engleskoj; Daring i Ambitious Pink. Ambitious Pink je nesto sto mogu da zamislim da svim SS15 pistama ovog septembra i kao veliki trend ovog leta, zbog cega sam uzbudjena, jer obozavam vesele boje na usnama!

Testirala sam ih prethodnih nekoliko dana i boje koje mozete videti u ovom postu su: Insatiable Ivory, Potent, Defiant Coral i Dominant.
Prvi utisak? Veoma kremasti, dugotrajni ruzevi. Da, znam da sam rekla i ranije da se iznenadim svaki put kada kremast ruz zaista traje ceo dan. Generalna percepcija je da karmini ove vrsti ne traju dugo dok oni sa matt formulacijom traju i po nekoliko sati, ali ne i ovaj put. Mnogo je lakse naneti karmin koji ipak ima malo tecniju formulaciju, sigurna sam da cete se sloziti?
Uskoro cu celo ovo iskustvo i istrazivanje uciniti malo interesantnije i za vas, jer sam odlucila da posetim Estée Lauder u Selfridges-u u Birmingemu, a o tom iskustvu cu vam sve ispricati po povratku, kao i celu reportazu o razlicitim makeup look-ovima koje plniram da probam. Daring(Izazovna), Irresistible(Neodoljiva), Impulsive(Impulsivna) i Powerful(Mocna) su nazivi 4 razlicita izgleda koja cu vam pokazati kada ih isprobam.
Ukoliko ste u Engleskoj, mozete posetiti Selfridges robne kuce, za posebno iskustvo, ukljucujuci i InstaPrint inovaciju, koja podrazumeva stampanje vasih omiljenih instagram slika (jej, Instagram se pretvara u polaroid!). Ne zaboravite #lipstickenvy tag kada se slikate da biste ucestvovali u neverovatnoj nagradnoj igri i mozda cak osvojili sve karmine u vrednosti od preko £500!

The InstaPrint kiosk will be available at Selfridges Exchange Manchester 1st – 17th May; Selfridges Trafford Centre Dome Site 18th – 24th May; Selfridges London and Birmingham 1st May – 12th June!
Ako ste kreativni, ima toliko toga sto mozete uraditi sa svojim polaroidima, a ja se radujem da vidim vase slike na instagramu, zato obzavezno stavite #lipstickenvy tag
InstaPrint kiosk ce biti dostupan u Selfridges Exchange Mancester 1-17.maja; Selfridges Trafford Centre Dome Site 18-24.maja; Selfridges London i Birmingem 1.maja do 12.juna!



From top to bottom:
-Insatiable Ivory
-Defiant Coral



Sponsored by Estée Lauder