Last night was one of those beautiful spring nights in London. I had a long day that involved some work, errands, but also friends and fun. Some of you might know that I attended a store opening, and that was Ulanka store on 153 Oxford Street, I had a great time chatting with my blogger friends and even picked some shoes. Ulanka is a well known chain of shoe shops, in which you can find various brands of shoes. You might be wondering why am I telling you all of this, well, the boots I am wearing in todays post are the ones that went home with me last night. I love wearing flat ankle boots with dresses, shorts and skirts, as it adds a bit of an effortless look to it, plus they are so comfortable for long days out and about. Right now I am packing my suitcases and have a huge list of things to do, not complaining I had a great day in town, spent eating out and enjoying the view. Sometimes living in Brighton is the best thing ever! Oh yeah, April in this city is my favourite month of the year.
Sinoc je bilo jedno od prvih toplih Londonskih veceri. Dan mi je bio veoma dugacak, jer sam osim mnogo posla, takodje imala i neke planove sa prijateljima, kao i otvaranje butika na koje sam bila pozvana. Da, verovatno ste videli da sam se druzila sa drugim blogerima na otvaranju prve Ulanka prodavnice u Engleskoj, koja se nalazi na adresi Oxford Street 153. U pitanju je poznati lanac prodavnica obuce poreklom iz Spanije. Verovatno se pitate zasto vam ovo sve govorim, ali cizme iz ovog posta su upravo te koje su stigle sa mnom kuci sinoc. Obozavam da nosim ravne plitke cizme sa sortsevima i suknjama jer ima dodaje lezernost za svaki dan a uz to su jos i udobne. Trenutno se pakujem i imam dugacku listu stvari koje treba da obavim, ali ne bunim se, imala sam predivan dan proveden sa najdrazima uz savrsen pogled. Ponekad mislim da je ziveti u Brajtonu nesto najlepse na svetu! O da, april u ovom gradu mi je definitivno omiljeni mesec.
I wore: