18 Mar, 2014

Ted Baker #ZolTED


You all know that I am a huge Ted Baker fan. In fact, so much so that most of my fashion week outfits were filled with pieces from his most recent collection. Today I also wanted to share with you a great and easy way that can allow you to win a trip for two to Cirque du Soleil in London including a three night stay!
First things first, I decided to sum up some of my looks in this post, and to tell you more about the personality quiz I did today. Its really shocked me how accurate it is (specially at the moment) but my test said I am a juggler, meaning that I juggle a lot of tasks at the same time (does typing at the hair salon while you are getting your hair dyed and speaking on the phone at the same time count?). All of my friends agreed that the test is extremely accurate, and fun so I would love to invite you all to do it yourself HERE! At the same time, Ted Baker organised a challenge that you should enter should you win the prize mentioned above. Its so much fun, and just something different which is why I feel it would be great if as many of you as possible could join. All you need to do is publish a short video in which you can show us your circus act! Make sure tag @ted_baker and to use the hashtag  #ZolTED to enter the competition!

Svi znate da ja obozavam Ted Baker. U stvari, toliko volim taj brand da je vecina mojih odevnih kombinacija na nedeljama mode bila iz nove Ted Baker kolekcije. Danas zelim da podelim sa vama, mogucnost da osvojite put za dvoje u London na Cirque du Soleil. Arazman obuhvala tri nocenja u Londonu. Odlucila sam da vas podsetim na par kombinacija u ovom postu i da vas upoznam sa kvizom licnosti koji sam danas uradila. Iznenadjena sam tacnoscu testa koji je za mene konkretno rekao da sam trenutno zongler, a sto je apsolutno tacno, jer u poslednje vreme zongliram sa svim obavezama koje imam. Trenutno sam u frizerskom salonu “Woman” u Novom Sadu i dok mi Vesna i Tanja farbaju kosu ja telefoniram i kucam tekst za moj post. Posto su se i svi moji prijatelji koji su videli test slozili da je izuzetno tacan, molim vas da ga i vi uradite OVDE! i ostavite mi komentare da li ste odusevljeni vasim rezultatom. Resenje testa ce vam pruziti sansu da ucestvujete u pomenutoj nagradnoj igri ciji je sponzor Ted Baker. Videcete da je veoma zabavno i drugacije od forme testova na koje smo navikli. Zelim vam puno srece i zelim da sto veci broj vas ucestvuje u nagradnoj igri! Sve sto treba da uradite jeste da na instagram postavite kratki video u kom cete nam pokazati akrobaciju u kojoj ste vi najvicniji. Obavezno tagujte @ted_baker na instagramu i koristite tag #ZolTED

